Year 8

Rounding to three decimal places

I can round numbers to three decimal places.

Year 8

Rounding to three decimal places

I can round numbers to three decimal places.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Numbers with any number of decimal places can be represented on a number line.
  2. Rounding is useful to estimate numbers to a degree of accuracy.
  3. Numbers can be rounded to 3 decimal places.
  4. Knowing a number has been rounded means you can give examples of what the unrounded number might have been.

Common misconception

Errors when a zero is required when rounding. E.g 5.99 rounds to 6 to 1 d.p.

Embedding that 6 and 6.0 may be written like that to convey the accuracy they've been rounded to. To show that 5.99 has been rounded to 1 d.p. we write it as 6.0 not 6.


  • Round - To change a number into another number that is approximately the same value but is easier to work with. E.g. round 561 to the nearest 10 is 560.


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6 Questions

What is a conjecture?
A mathematical statement that is thought to be false and has been proven false
A mathematical statement that is thought to be true and has been proven true
A mathematical statement that is thought to be false and has not yet been proven
Correct answer: A mathematical statement that is thought to be true and has not yet been proven
Select the numbers that round to 23 000 when rounded to the nearest thousand.
22 475
Correct answer: 22 975
Correct answer: 23 175
Correct answer: 23 475
23 675
134 578 is 135 000 to the nearest ...
Correct answer: thousand
ten thousand
hundred thousand
Laura estimates how many cars are in a car park. Which of the following is the most appropriate degree of accuracy in this situation?
Nearest integer
Nearest ten
Correct answer: Nearest hundred
Nearest thousand
Nearest ten thousand
A charity is sending thank you cards to 110 people who have made donations. Stamps come in books of 12. How many books of stamps do they need to buy?
Correct Answer: 10, ten
Izzy buys a large bag of 50 chocolate bars. She puts them into boxes of 4 to sell for charity. How many boxes will Izzy have to sell?
Correct Answer: 12, twelve

6 Questions

1.643 is 1.6 to one place.
Correct Answer: decimal
The midpoint of 2.2 and 2.3 is .
Correct Answer: 2.25
The midpoint of 2.268 and 2.269 is .
Correct Answer: 2.2685
Round 14.5682 to 3 decimal places.
Correct Answer: 14.568
Round 0.0459 to three decimal places.
Correct Answer: 0.046
Round 172.0998 to three decimal places.
Correct Answer: 172.100