Year 8

Checking understanding of pictograms and bar charts

I can interpret both pictograms and bar charts.

Year 8

Checking understanding of pictograms and bar charts

I can interpret both pictograms and bar charts.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Pictograms represent data through images.
  2. Bar charts represent data using the heights of bars.
  3. A key and/or labelled axes are important for interpreting the representation.

Common misconception

Pupils may forget the key with a pictogram or mislabel the vertical scale for bar charts.

By asking the pupils how they know there are 'x things', to highlight the need for the key.


  • Frequency - The number of times an event occurs; or the number of individuals (people, animals etc.) with some specific property.

If your pupils have shown any need for further work on pictograms and/or bar charts then you may wish to use lesson 2 and 3 of this unit. Real data collected within class is always nice to use when creating their own pictograms and bar charts.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

$${4 + 4 + 4 + 2 =}$$
Correct Answer: 14, fourteen
Which of these have an answer of 24?
Correct answer: $${3\times 8}$$
$${2\times 4}$$
Correct answer: $${6\times 4}$$
Correct answer: $${2.4\times 10}$$
$${12\times 3}$$
What is $${{{1}\over{2}} \text{ of 6}}$$?
Correct Answer: 3, three
How many times is the word 'star' in this list? $$\text{moon, star, moon, star, star,}$$$$\text{planet, planet, moon, star,}$$$$\text{planet, asteroid, star, asteroid,}$$$$\text{planet, moon, star}$$
Correct Answer: 6, six
This is an example of a chart.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: tally, Tally, TALLY
How many giraffes are represented in this frequency table?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 5, five

6 Questions

The is the number of times an event occurs; or the number of individuals (people, animals etc.) with some specific property.
Correct Answer: frequency
Put the stages of a data investigation in order.
1 - Plan the investigation
2 - Collect the data
3 - Organise and present the data
4 - Analyse the data
5 - Make interpretations of the data
6 - Decide on outcomes and actions
Which pictogram matches this frequency table?
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Which table matches the bar chart?
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Which statements are true?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: The most time spent reading was in month 1.
The least amount of time spent reading was in month 3.
In month 1 half as much time was spent reading as in month 3.
Correct answer: In month 3 twice as much time was spent reading as in month 2.
Correct answer: Over the three months there was 70 hours of reading.
This bar chart shows that has visited the most countries out of the four pupils.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: Laura, laura