Year 8

Constructing pie charts by utilising technology

I can construct pie charts from data presented in a number of different ways using technology.

Year 8

Constructing pie charts by utilising technology

I can construct pie charts from data presented in a number of different ways using technology.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Pie charts can be constructed quickly using Excel.
  2. The angle of each part can be quickly calculated in Excel.
  3. Different types of pie chart can be created.

Common misconception

1) = not necessary to put into function, 2) students type in number to calculate, not click the cell

1) the = at the start tells the spreadsheet to start a calculation, 2) clicking the cell means if input data chances, outputs auto-update


  • Clockwise - Clockwise is the direction that the hands of an analogue clock travel

  • Pie chart - A pie chart (pie graph) is a circular graph where sectors represent different groups proportionally.

  • Frequency - The frequency is the number of times an event occurs; or the number of individuals (people, animals etc.) with some specific property.

  • Angle - An angle is a measure of turn, it is often displayed as the rotation between two line segments.

  • Sector - A sector is the region formed between two radii and their connecting arc.

Students cannot edit the Google Sheets document directly. They must make their own copy first by going to File -> Make a copy. Demonstrate locations of icons and syntax of spreadsheet functions live before giving students the practice task.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

60 people were asked: "what do you most frequently drink whilst at work". The results will be placed in a pie chart with a total of 12 pre-defined sectors. How many sectors would represent water?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 8
60 people were asked: "what do you most frequently drink whilst at work". The results will be placed in a pie chart with a total of 12 pre-defined sectors. How many people voted for milk?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 15, 15 people, 15people
A large set of information is collected and represented in a pie chart of 24 equally-sized sectors. Each one sector represents a frequency of 15. What is the total frequency of this dataset?
Correct Answer: 360
The incomplete ratio table shows a dataset being converted into angles to represent each subgroup as sectors on a pie chart. Match the letters to the correct missing values.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:a,90


Correct Answer:b,360


Correct Answer:c,4


Correct Answer:d,48


Correct Answer:e,88


Which of these parts of a circle are essential when forming one sector of a circle?
the whole circumference / perimeter of a circle
Correct answer: part of the circumference of a circle, called an arc
Correct answer: two radiuses / radii of a circle (distance from centre to circumference)
two diameters of a circle (distance across the whole circle and through centre)
two tangents of a circle (line that touches the circumference at one point)
The incomplete ratio table shows a dataset being converted into angles to represent each subgroup as sectors on a pie chart. Find the value of angle a, in degrees.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 195, 195°, 195 degrees, 195degrees

6 Questions

Which symbol must be typed into a cell first in order to start any mathematical calculation?
Correct answer: =
Match the mathematical operation to the symbol used to represent these operations in a spreadsheet
Correct Answer:addition,+


Correct Answer:subtraction,-


Correct Answer:multiplication,*


Correct Answer:division,/


Correct Answer:not used for any operation,x


Which of these spreadsheet functions will correctly calculate 63 add 117 in the cell C3?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: = sum(A3 : B3)
= 63 plus 117
Correct answer: = A3 + B3
= A3 add B3
Select the spreadsheet function and answer which correctly show the multiplier being calculated for this ratio table in the cell D17.
An image in a quiz
$$1\over3$$ or $$0.33\dot3$$
Correct answer: =360 / C15
=C15 / 360
=C15 \div 360
Select the spreadsheet function and answer which correctly shows and updates the angle for Ireland, calculated in the cell N23. The values in the frequency column may be updated.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 56.25
= 90 x 0.625
Correct answer: =M23 x N28
= 90 x 0.625
Match the descriptions with the correct spreadsheet functions and output values for this ratio table written in a spreadsheet.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:Spreadsheet function for S37,= sum(S34 : S36)

= sum(S34 : S36)

Correct Answer:Output value for S37,810


Correct Answer:Spreadsheet function for T39,= 360 / S37

= 360 / S37

Correct Answer:Output value for T39,$$4\over9$$ or $$0.44\dot4$$

$$4\over9$$ or $$0.44\dot4$$

Correct Answer:Spreadsheet function for T34,= S34 * T39

= S34 * T39

Correct Answer:Output value for S34,124