Year 8

Securing constructing bar charts by hand

I can construct bar charts from data.

Year 8

Securing constructing bar charts by hand

I can construct bar charts from data.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Data presented as a list can be represented as a bar chart
  2. Data presented in a table can be represented as a bar chart
  3. The type of data determines how the bars should be drawn

Common misconception

Pupils may label the vertical axis with the frequency values rather than a scale.

Remind the pupils that the scale should go up in the same jumps. i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15 etc and have them check theirs.


  • Frequency - The frequency is the number of times an event occurs; or the number of individuals (people, animals etc.) with some specific property.

  • Bar chart - A bar chart (bar graph) is a graph consisting of bars visually representing the frequency of objects or groups.

  • Data - Data are a collection of information.

If your pupils showed good understanding of bar charts from lesson 1 of this unit, then you may wish to skip this lesson.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Rectangle is the longest.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: B, b
These tally marks show a value of .
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 6, six, Six
Which of these numbers are multiples of 15?
Correct answer: 30
Correct answer: 75
A pictogram (pictograph) is a graph consisting of pictures to visually represent the of objects or groups. 
Correct Answer: frequency
Select the frequency table that has a total frequency of 46.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Some things are measured and some are counted. Which of these are counted?
heights of a group of people
Correct answer: number of cars that drive past
Correct answer: photographs with an elephant on them
weights of some pet dogs
Correct answer: number of odd socks

6 Questions

The total frequency for this data set is .
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 16, sixteen
If a bar chart was to be constructed for data about favourite pizza toppings in a class, the bars would have a specific order. True or false?
True - order from the most favourite to the least favourite topping
Correct answer: False - there is no relevant order to pizza toppings so they can be in any order
This is an example of a __________ bar chart.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: comparison
The frequency axis needs to have a suitable scale for the data it is presenting. The scale will go up in increments.
Correct Answer: equal
Three pupils are discussing this bar chart. Who is correct with their observation?
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Which bar chart matches this data?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz