Year 7

Problem solving with plotting coordinates

I can use my knowledge of plotting coordinates to solve problems.

Year 7

Problem solving with plotting coordinates

I can use my knowledge of plotting coordinates to solve problems.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. You can describe the relationship between coordinate pairs in words.
  2. It is possible to identify points which do or do not follow a rule.
  3. A line represents an infinity of points that follow a rule.
  4. You can describe the relationship between coordinate pairs using algebra.

Common misconception

Adding the length of the side onto the wrong value within a coordinate.

Use sketches/ erasable axis/ Desmos to plot points and see if they are reasonable. Encourage writing/drawing on diagrams as working out.


  • Plot - Drawing on a graph or map is known as plotting.

You may wish to allow some students use of graphing software such as Desmos to help. Other students may benefit from checking their answers using Desmos.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these are properties of a square
Correct answer: It has 4 right angles
Correct answer: All sides are the same length
It has angles of 60 degrees
Two sides are the same length but the other two are different.
It has 5 sides
Jun marks the coordinate (3,4) on a set of axes with a cross. What word best describes what he has done?
Correct answer: plotted
Lucas has put -3 and 4 on a number line. What calculation will give him the distance between these numbers on his number line?
$$-3\div 4$$
Correct answer: $$4-(-3)$$
Calculate $$(-8)-(-10)$$
Correct Answer: 2, two
Match the coordinate with the equation for the line it will lie on
Correct Answer:(2,3),$$y=3$$


Correct Answer:(3,6),$$x=3$$


Correct Answer:(-3,-3),$$y=x$$


Correct Answer:(5,-5),$$y=-x$$


Correct Answer:(-2,-3),$$y=2x+1$$


Correct Answer:(-3,4),$$y=-3x-5$$


These three coordinates are plotted on an axis. (-10,3) (-8,3) (-10,1). What coordinate needs to be plotted to form a square?
Correct Answer: (-8,1)

6 Questions

Which of the rules below does the coordinate (2,-12) follow?
Correct answer: $$x=2$$
Correct answer: $$y=-12$$
What is the length of one side of this square
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 11, eleven, 11 squares, eleven squares
Work out the coordinate of the top right corner of this square
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: (9,-6)
Match the coordinate with the two rules it follows
Correct Answer:(5,5),$$x=5$$ and $$y=x$$

$$x=5$$ and $$y=x$$

Correct Answer:(5,15),$$y=3x$$ and $$y=x+10$$

$$y=3x$$ and $$y=x+10$$

Correct Answer:(5,-5),$$y=x-10$$ and $$y=-x$$

$$y=x-10$$ and $$y=-x$$

Correct Answer:(-5,5),$$y=x+10$$ and $$y=-x$$

$$y=x+10$$ and $$y=-x$$

Correct Answer:(5,-15),$$y=-3x$$ $$y=-15$$

$$y=-3x$$ $$y=-15$$

Which statements concerning intersection points are true?
Any two lines will intersect
The lines $$x=4$$ and $$y=3$$ intersect at (3,4)
Correct answer: The lines $$y=x+15$$ and $$y=2x$$ intersect at (15,30)
Correct answer: The lines $$y=x$$, $$x=4$$ and $$y=4$$ as intersect at (4,4)
Two straight lines can intersect at 2 different coordinates
At which coordinate do the lines $$y=4x$$ and $$y=x-9$$ intersect?
Correct Answer: (-3,-12)