Year 7

Deepening understanding with fractions of a given amount

I can find the original amount when given a fraction and the result.

Year 7

Deepening understanding with fractions of a given amount

I can find the original amount when given a fraction and the result.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. To find the original amount, the result is divided by the fraction.
  2. This can be seen visually through use of a bar model.
  3. A double number line can also be used.

Common misconception

Only seeing the amount, not proportion. E.g £30 from £100 is no different to £30 from £60.

Referring to the whole using bar models or fractions can emphasise the amount with respect to the whole.


  • Reciprocal - The reciprocal is the multiplicative inverse of any non-zero number. Any non-zero number multiplied by its reciprocal is equal to 1

After the 'think of a number' explanation. pupils get into pairs and find a fraction of 'their number', share the fraction and result and the other pupil has the work out the 'number' their partner was thinking of.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following is not the reciprocal of 3?
Correct answer: $$2\over3$$
Use a bar model to calculate $$5\over8$$ of 32.
Correct Answer: 20, twenty
Calculate 45 × $$4\over5$$.
Correct Answer: 36, thirty-six, thirty six, thirtysix
Which of the following are equivalent calculations for $$5\over6$$ of 66?
Correct answer: 66 × $$5\over6$$
Correct answer: (66 ÷ 6) × 5
Correct answer: $$5\over6$$ × $${6\times11}\over{1}$$
(66 ÷ 5) × 6
Correct answer: $$66\over6$$ × 5
Calculate $$3 {{3} \over {4}}$$ × $$5\over6$$, give your answer in its simplest form.
$$2{{7} \over {8}}$$
$$3 {{8} \over {24}}$$
Correct answer: $$3 {{1} \over {8}}$$
$$3 {{1} \over {4}}$$
Find $$11 {{3} \over {4}}$$ of 32.
Correct Answer: 376

6 Questions

Match the following to the correct reciprocal.
Correct Answer:2,$$1\over2$$


Correct Answer:$$3\over2$$,$$2\over3$$


Correct Answer:2.5,$$2\over5$$


Correct Answer:$$4\over5$$,1.25


Correct Answer:$$6\over8$$,$$4\over3$$


A shop has a sale saving you $$1\over3$$ off the original price. You pay £40 for a sweatshirt. How much was it originally?
Correct Answer: £60, 60, £60.00, 60.00
$$1\over5$$ of 60 = $$4\over5$$ of $$\square$$.
Correct Answer: 15, fifteen
I think of a number. $$3\over8$$ of my number is 15. What is my number?
Correct Answer: 40, forty
The cost of a TV increases by $$1\over8$$. It now costs £450. How much was it originally?
Correct Answer: £400, £400.00, 400, 400.00
Alex's cat loses $$1\over6$$ of it's weight. It now weighs 4.2 kg, how heavy was it last year?
Correct Answer: 5.04 kg, 5.04kg, 5.04, 5.04 kilograms, 5.04kilograms