Year 10

Find the total or difference given a part

Year 10

Find the total or difference given a part

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn how to find the total or difference between numbers in a given ratio, when provided with one part of that ratio. We will model solutions using part-part-whole bar models and solve problems in context.


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3 Questions

Amjeet and Harry share some money in the ratio 5 : 3. Harry receives £24. How much does Amjeet receive?
Correct answer: £40
Amjeet and Harry share some money in the ratio 5 : 3. Harry receives £24. How much money did they share?
Correct answer: £64
Eva, Teddy and Sophie share some money in the ratio 2 : 7 : 5. Eva receives £30. How much more money did Teddy get than Sophie?
Correct answer: £30

3 Questions

Eva and Jess share some sweets in the ratio 2 : 7. Jess receives 42 sweets. How many sweets did Eva receive?
Correct answer: 12 sweets
54 sweets
6 sweets
Eva and Jess share some sweets in the ratio 2 : 7. Jess receives 42 sweets. How many sweets did they have in total?
12 sweets
Correct answer: 54 sweets
6 sweets
David and Jasmine share some football cards in the ratio 5 : 9. Jasmine gets 12 more cards than David. How many cards did they share in total?
168 cards
27 cards
Correct answer: 42 cards
64 cards