Year 11

Compound measures for pressure

I can use compound measures for pressure.

Year 11

Compound measures for pressure

I can use compound measures for pressure.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Pressure can be calculated by dividing the force on the objects by the area on which the force acts.
  2. The units for force and area determine the units for pressure.
  3. By rearranging the formula, you can calculate either force or area.

Common misconception

Using the total surface area of the solid rather than the area of the solid that is in contact with the floor/table.

Refer back to the high-heeled shoe and elephants foot example. This should clarify that it is the area in contact with the foot that increases or decreases the pressure.


  • Pressure - Pressure is the perpendicular force applied to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed.

  • Force - A force is a push or a pull on an object. A force is an influence that can cause an object to change its speed.

Get pupils to come up with their own "Would you rather?" questions.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

The density of a substance is measured as the substance's per unit of volume.
Correct Answer: mass
The volume of an object is 125 cm$$^3$$ and has a mass of 687.5 g. The density of the object is g/cm$$^3$$
Correct Answer: 5.5
Match each with its correct density.
Correct Answer:Mass = 0.96 kg and volume = 0.8 m$$^3$$,1.2 kg/m$$^3$$

1.2 kg/m$$^3$$

Correct Answer:Mass = 8880 g and volume = 74 cm$$^3$$,120 g/cm$$^3$$

120 g/cm$$^3$$

Correct Answer:Mass = 288 g and volume = 24 cm$$^3$$,12 g/cm$$^3$$

12 g/cm$$^3$$

Correct Answer:Mass = 0.144 g and volume = 1.2 cm$$^3$$,0.12 g/cm$$^3$$

0.12 g/cm$$^3$$

The density of an object is 15 g/cm$$^3$$, the mass of the object is 487.5 g. The volume of the object is cm$$^3$$
Correct Answer: 32.5, 32.5 cm
The density of an object is 5.6 g/cm$$^3$$, the volume of the object is 160 cm$$^3$$. Calculate the mass of the object. (Give your answer in grams)
Correct Answer: 896 g, 896g, 896, 896 grams, 896grams
The density of this cuboid is 1.8 g/cm$$^3$$. Calculate the mass of the cuboid.
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Correct Answer: 324 g, 324g, 324, 324 grams, 324grams

6 Questions

Which of the following are units of pressure?
Correct answer: N/m$$^2$$
Correct answer: N/cm$$^2$$
A box is placed on a table. The area of the base of the box is 1.25 m$$^2$$. The force exerted by the box on the table is 38 N. The pressure exerted by the box on the table is N/m$$^2$$.
Correct Answer: 30.4
Match each with its correct pressure.
Correct Answer:Force = 260 N and area = 2.5 m$$^2$$,104 N/m$$^2$$

104 N/m$$^2$$

Correct Answer:Force = 450 N and area = 4 m$$^2$$,112.5 N/m$$^2$$

112.5 N/m$$^2$$

Correct Answer:Force = 104 N and area = 1.6 m$$^2$$,65 N/m$$^2$$

65 N/m$$^2$$

Correct Answer:Force = 564 N and area = 6 m$$^2$$,94 N/m$$^2$$

94 N/m$$^2$$

This box has a mass of 112 N. Calculate the pressure it exerts on the ground.
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0.93 N/cm$$^2$$
Correct answer: 2.8 N/cm$$^2$$
4.6 N/cm$$^2$$
8.6 N/cm$$^2$$
The pressure exerted by a cube with side lengths of 5 cm on a table is 2.85 N/cm$$^2$$. Find the force exerted by the cube on the table.
Correct Answer: 71.25 N, 71.25N, 71.25
This box exerts a pressure of 80 N/m$$^2$$ and a force of 76.8 N on the ground. How wide is the box?
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Correct Answer: 0.8 m, 0.8m, 0.8