Year 11

Converting between metric speed measures

I can convert between metric speed measures.

Year 11

Converting between metric speed measures

I can convert between metric speed measures.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Sometimes speed is measured in different units.
  2. The units for speed can be converted to alternative units.
  3. When converting, it can be helpful to think about a context.

Common misconception

E.g 4.5 hours is 4 hours and 50 minutes

Encouraging pupils to use ratio tables to represent proportional relationships using minutes allows them to appreciate the multiplier of 60 when converting hours to minutes, or minutes to seconds.


  • Speed - Speed is the rate at which something is moving. It is measured as the distance travelled per unit of time.

Pupils can research their own speeds of animals, birds, vehicles or anything that they have an interest in and convert it from either m/s to km/h or vice versa.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Pressure is the perpendicular applied to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed.
Correct Answer: force
A box is placed on a table and the area of the base of the box is 2.5 $$m^2$$. The force exerted by the box on the table is 45 N. The pressure exerted by the box on the table is $$N/m^2$$.
Correct Answer: 18
Match each with its correct pressure.
Correct Answer:Force = 48 N and area = 2.4 $$m^2$$,20 $$N/m^2$$

20 $$N/m^2$$

Correct Answer:Force = 85 N and area = 1.7 $$m^2$$,50 $$N/m^2$$

50 $$N/m^2$$

Correct Answer:Force = 64 N and area = 1.6 $$m^2$$,40 $$N/m^2$$

40 $$N/m^2$$

Correct Answer:Force = 105 N and area = 3.5 $$m^2$$,30 $$N/m^2$$

30 $$N/m^2$$

This box has a mass of 134.4 N. Calculate the pressure it exerts on the ground.
An image in a quiz
1.9 $$N/cm^2$$
Correct answer: 5.6 $$N/cm^2$$
7.5 $$N/cm^2$$
13.44 $$N/cm^2$$
The pressure exerted by a cube with side lengths of 10 cm on a table is 13.5 $$N/cm^2$$. Find the force exerted by the cube on the table.
Correct Answer: 1350 N, 1350N, 1350
This box exerts a pressure of 65 $$N/m^2$$ and a force of 187.2 $$N$$ on the ground. How wide is the box?
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Correct Answer: 1.2 m, 1.2m, 1.2

6 Questions

Which of the following are metric measures of speed?
Correct answer: km/h
Correct answer: m/s
A car is travelling at an average speed of 72 km/h. How many kilometres will be travelled in 1 minute?
Correct Answer: 1.2 km, 1.2km, 1.2
A car travels 1.2 km in 1 minute. How far will it travel in 1 second?
Correct Answer: 0.02 km, 0.02km, 0.02
Convert 50.4 km/h into m/s.
Correct Answer: 14 m/s, 14m/s, 14, 14 m per sec, 14 metres per second
Calculate the speed in km/h for the first part of the journey shown by this graph.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 18 km/h, 18km/h, 18, 18 km per hour, 18 kilometres per hour
A peregrine falcon dives at a speed of 108 m/s. Convert this speed into km/h.
Correct Answer: 388.8 km/h, 388.8km/h, 388.8, 388.8 km per hour, 388.8 kilometres per hour