Year 10

Forming simultaneous equations

I can derive two different simultaneous equations from a context.

Year 10

Forming simultaneous equations

I can derive two different simultaneous equations from a context.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Relationships in context can be expressed using letters to represent the unknown values.
  2. It is important to be clear about what each variable represents.
  3. Two different statements can be connected via their variables.
  4. One pair of values could satisfy more than one equation.

Common misconception

Incorrectly identifying when simultaneous equations can be formed. This can lead to pupils using the same letter in two equations to represent different things.

Pupils should be writing down precisely what the variable represent in context. They can then compare whether they are using the same letter to represent the same thing in two different equations.


  • Simultaneous equations - Equations which represent different relationships between the same variables are called simultaneous equations.

Pupils can use trial and error to find the solutions to the equations they form in task B. This should lead them to seeing a need for a more efficient method for solving equations simultaneously.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

If $$x = 11$$, what is the value of $$y$$ for $$6x + y = 70$$?
Correct Answer: 4, y= 4
Which pair of coordinates does not sit on the line $$y = 5x + 2$$?
(1, 7)
(2, 12)
Correct answer: (-2, -12)
(0, 2)
If $$x = -2$$, what is the value of $$y$$ for $$4x + 8y = 0$$?
Correct Answer: 1, y = 1
If $$x = 2$$, what is the value of $$y$$ for $$10x + 2y = -8$$?
Correct Answer: -14, y -14
Which pair of coordinates does not sit on the line $$y = x - 9$$?
Correct answer: (0, 9)
(2, -7)
(9, 0)
Which point does not satisfy the equation $$3x^2 + 3x - 10 = y$$?
(-10, 260)
Correct answer: (9, 206)
(-8, 158)

6 Questions

The area of a rectangle is $$80 cm^2$$. The perimeter is $$48 cm$$. Which two equations are true for side lengths $$a$$ and $$b$$?
Correct answer: $$ab = 80$$
$$a + b = 48$$
Correct answer: $$2(a + b) = 48$$
$$ab = 48$$
Ryan (r) is 8 years older than his brother (b). A year ago, his brother was half the age Ryan will be next year.
$$r = 8$$
$$r = 8b$$
Correct answer: $$r - 1 = 2b$$
Correct answer: $$r = b + 8$$
The area of a rectangle is $$18cm^2$$. The perimeter is $$22 cm$$. Which two equations are true for side lengths $$a$$ and $$b$$?
$$ab = 22$$
$$a + b = 22$$
Correct answer: $$ab = 18$$
Correct answer: $$2a + 2b = 22$$
Which two of the following are correct for a right triangle with sides $$a, b$$ and hypotenuse $$c$$?
$$a + b + c = abc$$
Correct answer: $$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$
Correct answer: $$Perimeter = a + b + c$$
$$Perimeter = ab + c$$
For a rectangle, the perimeter of a rectangle with side lengths $$a$$ and $$b$$ is 30 cm. The length is double the width. Which statement is true?
$$a + b = 30$$
Correct answer: $$ab = 50$$
$$a = 4b$$
There are 9 goals scored in a football match. Team A scored $$a$$ goals, and winning Team B scored $$b$$ goals. The winning team scored 4 more than the losing team.
$$a + b = 4$$
Correct answer: $$a + b = 9$$
Correct answer: $$a = b - 4$$
$$a = b + 4$$