Year 10

Equations from complex shapes

I can form and solve equations with more complex shapes.

Year 10

Equations from complex shapes

I can form and solve equations with more complex shapes.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Sometimes you are given a problem with insufficient information to reach a numerical value.
  2. Depending on the problem, it may be possible to write more than one equation.
  3. It is possible these equations can be combined to write a new, more succinct, equation.

Common misconception

Some pupils may have an equivalent algebraic expressions without noticing.

Tell pupils to always check if their expressions can be simplified or factorised before deeming themselves incorrect.


  • Equation - An equation is used to show two expressions that are equal to each other.

  • Perimeter - The perimeter is the distance around a 2D shape.

  • Area - The area is the size of the surface and states the number of unit squares needed to completely cover that surface.

Provide pupils with a shape, such as a kite, with algebraic expressions for each edge and ask them to come up with as many equations as they can from the given information.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

$$3n+5=2+n$$ is an example of an .
Correct Answer: equation
The solution to $$6(2m-7)=42$$ is $$m=$$ .
Correct Answer: 7, seven
The solution to $$6y-5=2y+25$$ is $$y=$$ .
Correct Answer: 7.5, 15/2
The solution to $$8x+9=28-2x$$ is $$x=$$ .
Correct Answer: 1.9, 19/10
The solution to $$\frac{5t+12}{3}=9$$ is $$t=$$ .
Correct Answer: 3
The solution to $$6(5d+2)=3(9d-1)$$ is $$d=$$ .
Correct Answer: -5, - 5, minus 5, negative 5

6 Questions

Given that the perimeter of this rectangle is 76 cm, then $$x=$$ .
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 5, five, 5 cm, 5cm
Which of these equations are true for this square?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: $$7x-18=18-2x$$
Correct answer: $$2(3x-7)=18-2x$$
Correct answer: $$(18-2x)^2=(7x-18)(2(3x-7))$$
The perimeter of this isosceles triangle is 53 cm. The length of the unmarked edge is cm.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 7, seven
Given that this is a parallelogram, complete the equation: $$5x-9=$$___________.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: $$6y$$
Given that these two shapes have equal areas, then $$x=$$ .
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 3, three, 3 cm, 3cm
The area of this rectangle is 48 square centimetres. The perimeter is cm.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 28, twenty eight, 28 cm, 28cm