Year 10

Checking and securing understanding of properties of shapes

I can identify a shape from its properties and state the properties of a given shape.

Year 10

Checking and securing understanding of properties of shapes

I can identify a shape from its properties and state the properties of a given shape.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Many shapes have similar properties.
  2. It is not always clear which shape is being described so more details may be needed.
  3. Knowing the properties of shapes can help you solve more complex problems.

Common misconception

Angles facts cannot be used with shapes as shapes have line segments rather than lines.

It is the properties of the lines, such as whether they are parallel, that are important, not their length.


  • Parallelogram - A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel and equal sides.

  • Rhombus - A rhombus is parallelogram where all the sides are the same length.

  • Trapezium - A trapezium is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.

  • Equilateral triangle - Equilateral triangles have three equal-sized angles and three edges of equal length. They are regular triangles.

  • Isosceles triangle - Isosceles triangles have two angles that are equal. That is also true for its side lengths: two sides are of equal length.

Pupils could work in groups for Task C. Pupils can compare their folded papers to see how accurate they have been. Different sizes of paper could also be investigated - do they produce the same results?
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which angle fact could be used to justify why $$a=130$$ using a single statement?
An image in a quiz
Alternate angles in parallel lines are equal.
Angles that form a straight line are supplementary.
Co-interior angles in parallel lines are supplementary.
Corresponding angles in parallel lines are equal.
Correct answer: Vertically opposite angles are equal.
Which angle fact could be used to justify why $$b=50$$ using a single statement?
An image in a quiz
Alternate angles in parallel lines are equal.
Correct answer: Angles that form a straight line are supplementary.
Co-interior angles in parallel lines are supplementary.
Corresponding angles in parallel lines are equal.
Vertically opposite angles are equal.
Which angle fact could be used to justify why $$c=130$$ using a single statement?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Alternate angles in parallel lines are equal.
Angles that form a straight line are supplementary.
Co-interior angles in parallel lines are supplementary.
Corresponding angles in parallel lines are equal.
Vertically opposite angles are equal.
Which angle fact could be used to justify why $$d=130$$ using a single statement?
An image in a quiz
Alternate angles in parallel lines are equal.
Angles that form a straight line are supplementary.
Co-interior angles in parallel lines are supplementary.
Correct answer: Corresponding angles in parallel lines are equal.
Vertically opposite angles are equal.
Which angle fact could be used to justify why $$e=50$$ using a single statement?
An image in a quiz
Alternate angles in parallel lines are equal.
Angles that form a straight line are supplementary.
Correct answer: Co-interior angles in parallel lines are supplementary.
Corresponding angles in parallel lines are equal.
Vertically opposite angles are equal.
If the pair of horizontal lines were dragged further apart from each other, what would happen to the values of $$a$$, $$c$$ and $$d$$?
An image in a quiz
They would all become greater than 130.
They would all become less than 130.
Correct answer: They would all remain equal to 130.
Some would be greater than 130 and some would be less than 130.

6 Questions

Match the triangles with the triangle types.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:A,equilateral


Correct Answer:B,isosceles


Correct Answer:C,scalene


Match the quadrilaterals with the quadrilateral types.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:A,square


Correct Answer:B,rhombus


Correct Answer:C,trapezium


Correct Answer:D,rectangle


Correct Answer:E,parallelogram


Correct Answer:F,kite


The size of the angle $$x$$ is °.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 88, eighty eight
The size of the angle $$y$$ is °.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 92, ninety two
Which statements are true about $$z$$?
An image in a quiz
$$z = 92$$
$$z = y$$
Correct answer: $$z = 180 - y$$
Correct answer: $$z = x$$
$$z = 180 - x$$
The size of the angle $$x$$ is °.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 59, fifty nine