Converting between other compound measures
I can convert between other compound measures.
Converting between other compound measures
I can convert between other compound measures.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- The units for density can be converted to alternative units.
- The units for pressure can be converted to alternative units.
Pressure - Pressure is the perpendicular force applied to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed.
Density - The density of a substance is measured as the substance's mass per unit of volume.
Common misconception
Pupils understand they multiply by 100 when converting m to cm, but when converting m^2 to cm^2, fail to recognise the need to multiply by 100^2. This is also the same with volume conversions.
Illustrate a 1m^2 square and the equivalent 100cm^2 square, calculating the area and allowing pupils to see the equivalence of 1 m^2 = 10 000 cm^2. Also apply this to a 1m^3 and 100cm^3, thus allowing students to see 1m^2 = 100 000 cm^3.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
27 cm$$^3$$ -
A 3 cm by 3 cm by 3 cm cube.
8 cm$$^3$$ -
A 2 cm by 2 cm by 2 cm cube.
1 000 cm$$^3$$ -
A 10 cm by 10 cm by 10 cm cube.
6 cm$$^3$$ -
A 1 cm by 2 cm by 3 cm cuboid.
9 cm$$^3$$ -
A 2 cm by 4.5 cm by 1 cm cuboid.
Cube with length 4 cm -
Volume of cube = 64 cm$$^3$$
Cube with length 3 cm -
Volume of cube = 27 cm$$^3$$
Cube with length 5 cm -
Volume of cube = 125 cm$$^3$$
Cube with length 1 mm -
Volume of cube = 1 mm$$^3$$
Cube with length 4 mm -
Volume of cube = 64 mm$$^3$$
Exit quiz
6 Questions
2 cm$$^2$$ -
200 mm$$^2$$
2 m$$^2$$ -
20 000 cm$$^2$$
2 km$$^2$$ -
2 000 000 m$$^2$$
2 000 000 mm$$^2$$ -
2 m$$^2$$
6 cm$$^3$$ -
6 000 mm$$^3$$
6 000 000 cm$$^3$$ -
6 m$$^3$$
6 km$$^3$$ -
6 000 000 000 m$$^3$$
60 cm$$^3$$ -
60 000 mm$$^3$$
6 m$$^3$$ -
6 000 000 000 mm$$^3$$
This doubles the density. -
Mass = $$M$$ kg and the Volume = $$\frac{1}{2} V$$ m$$^3$$
This halves the density. -
Mass = $$M$$ kg and the Volume = $$2 V$$ m$$^3$$
This quadruples the pressure. -
Force = $$4 N$$ newtons is applied to an an Area = $$A$$ m$$^2$$
This quarters the pressure. -
Force = $$N$$ newtons is applied to an an Area = $$4A$$ m$$^3$$