Year 10

Problem solving with advanced similarity knowledge

I can use my knowledge of similarity to solve problems.

Year 10

Problem solving with advanced similarity knowledge

I can use my knowledge of similarity to solve problems.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A scaled version of a shape/object is very useful.
  2. Being able to scale the perimeter/area/volume can reduce the number of calculations.
  3. This knowledge of similarity can be extended to include surface area.

Common misconception

"One shape has an area that is 21% larger than another shape. I can't find the area scale factor between the shapes, since I don't know the actual area of either shape."

It is possible to find scale factors, even if only a percentage that describes their areas is given. One shape will have an area of 100%, so the other shape will have an area 21% larger, at 121%. The scale factor is 1.21 because 100% × 1.21 = 121%.


  • Similar - Two shapes are similar if the only difference between them is their size. Their side lengths are in the same proportions.

  • Invariant - A property of a shape is invariant if that property has not changed after the shape is transformed.

  • Enlargement - Enlargement is a transformation that causes a change of size.

  • Scale factor - A scale factor is the multiplier between similar shapes that describes how large one shape is compared to the other.

  • Volume - The amount of space occupied by a closed 3D shape.


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6 Questions

theorem states that the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides of a right-angled triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.
Correct Answer: Pythagoras', Pythagoras, Pythagoras's
The lengths of the 3 edges of some triangles are given. Select all the right-angled triangles.
Correct answer: 8 cm, 15 cm, 17 cm
8 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm
15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm
9 cm, 15 cm, 18 cm
Correct answer: 9 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm
A right-angled triangle has a hypotenuse of 25 m. Select the possible lengths of the two shorter sides.
12 m and 18 m
Correct answer: 15 m and 20 m
Correct answer: 7 m and 24 m
8 m and 20 m
10 m and 15 m
Which of these pairs of triangles are congruent?
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Triangle ABC and triangle DEF are congruent and AB > BC. The length of the side $$x$$ is cm.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 8
Match each letter which the correct statement to complete the proof that triangle DAC and triangle ABC are congruent.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:a,∠ABC


Correct Answer:b,AC


Correct Answer:c,DC


Correct Answer:d,RHS


6 Questions

Two shapes are if the only difference between them is their size. Their side lengths are in the same proportions.
Correct Answer: similar
The multiplier between the surface areas of a pair of similar objects is $$k^2$$. Select the correct statements.
Correct answer: The multiplier between their corresponding edge lengths is $$k$$
The multiplier between their corresponding edge lengths is $$\frac {1}{2} k$$
The multiplier between their volumes is $$3k$$
Correct answer: The multiplier between their volumes is $$k^3$$
The multiplier between their volumes is $$\sqrt k$$
Shapes X and Y are similar to each other. The volume of shape Y is 216 times larger than the volume of shape X. The linear scale factor from X to Y is .
Correct Answer: 6, six
Shapes X and Y are similar. The perimeter of shape Y is 125% of the perimeter of shape X. Work out the area scale factor from X to Y.
Correct answer: $$\frac{25}{16}$$
Pyramid A and pyramid B are similar. The surface area of pyramid A is 50 cm² and its volume is 120 cm³. The surface area of pyramid B is 450 cm². Calculate the volume of pyramid B.
An image in a quiz
3480 cm³
Correct answer: 3240 cm³
1920 cm³
1080 cm³
Cuboid A and cuboid B are similar. The volume of cuboid B is 7680 cm³. The surface area of B is cm².
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 2528