Year 5

To understand how to maintain the pulse using the voice and body

Year 5

To understand how to maintain the pulse using the voice and body

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will include a fun warm-up and learn a song from Brazil through performing rhythm and pulse simultaneously, with an added challenge at the end!


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5 Questions

What is the pulse?
Correct answer: The heartbeat of the music
The length of sound
The pattern of sounds
The warm up today was all about performing the pulse and rhythm at the same time. What two items of fruit are included in the title of this warm up?
Apples and pears
Correct answer: Lemons and limes
Papayas and bananas
What is the rhythm?
The heartbeat of the music
Correct answer: The pattern of sounds
When we use our bodies to create sound
The song we've learned today was from Brazil. The song was about a "tambor". What instrument is this?
Correct answer: Drum
We've been using body percussion throughout this lesson. What does this mean?
Using instruments to create sounds
Correct answer: Using our bodies to create sounds
Using our voices to create sounds