Year 7

Adding an accompaniment to a melody

I can play the melody for Ode to Joy with an accompaniment.

Year 7

Adding an accompaniment to a melody

I can play the melody for Ode to Joy with an accompaniment.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A semibreve is a four beat note and the main note duration in the accompaniment of Ode to Joy.
  2. The accompaniment to Ode to Joy is played with the left hand using the notes C and G.
  3. The melody and accompaniment are played together on the first beat of each bar.
  4. A final performance of the melody and accompaniment with attention to pulse, dynamics and tempo.

Common misconception

Pupils misinterpret the score and think the accompaniment is the second line of the melody.

Encourage pupils to follow the score through when listening to the music and reinforce that both lines are part of the same system.


  • Accompaniment - An accompaniment is a part in the music that supports the melody.

  • Semibreve - A semibreve is a note lasting four beats.

  • System - A system represents all the instruments that play at the same time on a score.

Using the practical time to refine the melody or learn the first two phrases only with accompaniment may be more suitable. Bass clef is acknowledged briefly for further discussion, although understanding isn’t needed to perform the accompaniment.
Teacher tip




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6 Questions

Match the words with their definitions.
Correct Answer:Phrase,A shorter section of a melody

A shorter section of a melody

Correct Answer:Pulse,The steady feel of the beat

The steady feel of the beat

Correct Answer:Score,A visual representation of the music you are hearing

A visual representation of the music you are hearing

Which key is the keyboard player pressing here?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: C
What does it mean to keep to a pulse when performing?
Start slowly and get faster.
Correct answer: Play to a steady beat.
Start at a fast tempo and slow down gradually.
Emphasise every beat of the bar.
Match the words with their definitions.
Correct Answer:Quaver,A note lasting half a beat

A note lasting half a beat

Correct Answer:Crotchet ,A note lasting one beat

A note lasting one beat

Correct Answer:Minim,A note lasting two beats

A note lasting two beats

Which two of the following refer to playing expressively?
Emphasising the last beat of the bar
Correct answer: Choosing appropriate dynamics and tempo
Correct answer: Emphasising the first beat of the bar
Keeping to a strict tempo
Which score does not contain an error in the first two bars of Ode to Joy?
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz

6 Questions

The key to the left of the pair of black notes is:
Correct answer: C
Which key is most commonly mistaken for C?
Correct answer: F
How many beats is a semibreve?
Correct answer: Four
Which two of the following best describe an accompaniment?
Correct answer: It is the part in the music that supports the melody.
It is usually played by the right hand on the keyboard.
Correct answer: It is usually played by the left hand on the keyboard.
It is the most recognisable part of the music.
Starting with the shorter value put these notes in order.
1 - Quaver
2 - Crotchet
3 - Minim
4 - Semibreve
Which bar has the largest number of beats?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz