Hajj: the impact on believers
I can explain how Hajj has an impact on believers' lives before, during and after Hajj.
Hajj: the impact on believers
I can explain how Hajj has an impact on believers' lives before, during and after Hajj.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- The cost of Hajj and the global nature of the pilgrimage means people prepare carefully.
- Hajj will have a physical and spiritual impact on many pilgrims.
- For many Muslims, Hajj continues to have an impact on their lives when they return.
- Case studies of believers are a useful way to find out about the impact. However, they only represent one person's view.
Eid ul-Adha - the festival of sacrifice in Islam
Hajji - a Muslim man who has been on Hajj
Ummah - the worldwide community of Islam
Common misconception
A Muslim can go on Hajj whenever they choose.
Hajj is expensive, so people may well save up. Saudi Arabia operates a quota for each country.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
a journey to a sacred place
somewhere that is holy because of faith
someone who goes on a journey to a holy place
a holy place for Muslims
pilgrimage to Makkah
a Muslim woman who has completed Hajj
a Muslim man who has completed Hajj
Exit quiz
6 Questions
a festival held during Hajj
a Muslim man who has been on Hajj
pillars in Makkah at which Muslims throw stones during Hajj