Year 7

The Church & Pentecost

In this lesson, we will focus on the giving of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the Church and the spread of the Church into all nations.

Year 7

The Church & Pentecost

In this lesson, we will focus on the giving of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the Church and the spread of the Church into all nations.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The giving of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Nature of the Church.
  3. Spread of the Church into all nations.


You will need two different coloured pens: black or blue and another coloured pen, such as green or red.


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5 Questions

What is the name given to Jesus returning to heaven?
Correct answer: The Ascension
The Great Commission
The Incarnation
The Resurrection
What is the name of Jesus' instructions to the disciples?
Correct answer: The Great Commission
The Great Instruction
The Last Commission
The Last Instruction
Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the Great Commission?
Correct answer: Galilee
Who appeared to the disciples after Jesus ascended?
1 man
Correct answer: 2 men
3 men
4 men
Select the statement below which is false.
The Ascension assures Christians that there will be life after death.
Correct answer: The Ascension assures Christians that they will also rise into the sky instead of dying.
The Ascension is a display of God's omnipotence.
The Ascension is proof that Jesus is who he said he was.

5 Questions

Which book of the Bible teaches about Pentecost?
Correct answer: Acts
Which of the following did not happen at Pentecost?
A strong wind blew
Correct answer: An earthquake occured
People started speaking in different languages
Tongues of fire touched people
Which of the following events was the one that happened most recently to Pentecost?
Correct answer: Ascension
Birth of Jesus
Which of the following statements is correct?
Correct answer: At Pentecost believers could understand people in their own languages.
At Pentecost everyone spoke in a heavenly language and not their own language.
At Pentecost everyone started speaking the same language.
At Pentecost only the disciples could speak to everyone in their own language.
Which of the following statements is not true for Pentecost?
After Pentecost believers went back to their own areas and spread the Christian message.
Correct answer: Christians spoke the same language from that moment on.
The Church began as Christians received the Holy Spirit.
The spread of Christianity was helped by the ability of people to understand each other.