Year 7

Understanding God in History

In this lesson, we will be discussing the question of 'what are Jewish beliefs of the characteristics of God?' and looking at the concept of free will.

Year 7

Understanding God in History

In this lesson, we will be discussing the question of 'what are Jewish beliefs of the characteristics of God?' and looking at the concept of free will.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Freewill.
  2. God as all knowing.


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6 Questions

Which key word means 'all powerful'?
Correct answer: Omnipotent
Which quote is known as the Shema?
Correct answer: 'Hear, O Israel, The LORD is our God, the LORD alone'
'I the Lord am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt'
'Love your neighbour as yourself for I am God'
What does it mean to be monotheistic?
To not beleive in God
To worship many Gods
Correct answer: To worship one God
What does the Hebrew word Mitzvah mean?
Correct answer: Commandment or good deed
To build
To worship
What does it mean that God is Omnipresent?
God is all knowing
God is all loving
Correct answer: God is everywhere
Which is an idea about the transcendence of God from Maimonides?
God did not create the world
Correct answer: There is no language that is able to adequately describe the uniqueness of God
There was a time when God did not exist