R M Hare: worldviews in modern philosophy
I can explain R M Hare's concept of 'blik' and describe how different worldviews shape the way people interpret the world around them.
R M Hare: worldviews in modern philosophy
I can explain R M Hare's concept of 'blik' and describe how different worldviews shape the way people interpret the world around them.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Antony Flew argued that religious beliefs are meaningless as they do not change in the face of evidence,
- A blik is a person's fundamental way of seeing and understanding the world and it doesn't change easily.
- Everyone has their own worldview which shapes how they understand and interpret things around them.
- R M Hare introduced the idea of a blik to explain why people have different interpretations of the same situation.
- Religious beliefs can be seen as part of someone's blik, meaning they strongly influence their view of the world.
Belief - an acceptance that something is true without the need for proof
Blik - a person's fundamental worldview that shapes how they see the world and live their life
Evidence - facts or information that support an idea
R M Hare - a 20th century philosopher best known for his work on ethics and bliks
Common misconception
Students might think a blik is a belief or opinion that can be easily changed with evidence.
A blik is a fundamental worldview that is unchanged by evidence or facts.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
Adult supervision recommended
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
There must be a gardener because this clearing looks well-kept.
I don't see any evidence of a gardener, so I don't think there is one.