Year 10

Exam practice

In this lesson, we will focus on examination practice in the Christian beliefs unit, in which we will focus on applying our knowledge to examination questions.

Year 10

Exam practice

In this lesson, we will focus on examination practice in the Christian beliefs unit, in which we will focus on applying our knowledge to examination questions.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Applying knowledge to examination style questions.


You will need two different coloured pens: black or blue and another coloured pen, such as green or red.


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5 Questions

Which of the events below do Christians NOT believe happened in Holy Week?
Jesus ate the last supper with his disciples
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
Correct answer: Jesus showed love to Zacchaeus
Jesus was crucified
Which part of the Christian story do many Christians believe humans are currently in?
Correct answer: Church
Corruption (The Fall)
Which key word below is NOT associated with Jesus' work on the cross, which Christians traditionally believe makes it possible for them to be saved from sin?
Correct answer: Transcendent
Which day do Christians believe Jesus was resurrected?
Correct answer: Easter Sunday
Good Friday
Palm Sunday
Which of the beliefs about the nativity story is NOT found in the Bible?
Angels declared the news of Jesus' birth to shepherds watching their flocks nearby
Mary and Joseph couldn't find a room in an inn, so Jesus was born where the animals were kept and laid in a manger
Mary was told she was have a baby by angel Gabriel
Correct answer: Three wise men came to visit Jesus

5 Questions

All exam boards will ask you questions in exactly the same way? True or false?
Correct answer: False
What can you NOT use as evidence when writing about Christianity in an assessment?
Bible stories
Bible verses
Correct answer: Quotations from another religion
Statements of belief like the Nicene Creed
If you're not sure of a Bible quotation, make one up, the examiner probably won't notice, true or false?
Correct answer: False
What is NOT useful advice when completing an examination?
Correct answer: Eat kippers for breakfast as eating fish is good for your brain
Make sure you really know the information by testing yourself when you revise
Read the question more than once
Use the wording of the question in your answer
What should you make sure you keep in mind when writing answers to evaluate questions?
Add as many views from as many religions as possible. You can always make them up if you're not sure.
You have to stick to your own personal opinion at all times
You need to make a clear judgement in your conclusion
Correct answer: Your conclusion should just be a summary of what you have written