Year 7

Online and media: Rights, responsibilities and keeping safe

Lessons (5)


These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.

Switch to our new teaching resources now - designed by teachers and leading subject experts, and tested in classrooms.
    In this lesson, we will learn about the wide range of opportunities that being online can bring. We will also learn about the purposes of the internet as people get older.
    1 Slide deck
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
    In this lesson, we will learn about digital citizenship. We will explore the rights and responsibilities of being digital citizens, including freedom of express, defamation, how to uphold our rights and what to do if they are breached.
    1 Slide deck
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
    In this lesson, we will continue learning about digital citizenship. We will explore ways that we can be respectful to ourselves and others online. We will also learn that the expectations of behaviour online is equivalent to when we are offline.
    1 Slide deck
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
    In this lesson, we will learn about our digital footprint. We will discuss the definition of a digital footprint, how our footprint can be traced and how our online activity is used by companies to influence our behaviour.
    1 Slide deck
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
    In this lesson, we will learn about online behaviour rules. We will explore the common rules for using online service providers, as well as examining the implications of violating terms and conditions of providers. We will also learn about the laws surrounding social media offences.
    1 Slide deck
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video