Units (30)
RSHE (PSHE) units
Healthy relationships: How can I build good relationships?
Year 7
4 lessons2
Media influence: How can I evaluate the truth online?
Year 7
4 lessons3
Physical health: Why have a healthy diet?
Year 7
2 lessons4
Physical health: Why stay active?
Year 8
2 lessons5
Physical health: What's so important about sleep?
Year 9
2 lessons
Units released in 2020-22
Families: Relationships and human happiness
Year 7
3 lessons2
Respectful relationships: Respect and friendship
Year 7
5 lessons3
Online and media: Rights, responsibilities and keeping safe
Year 7
5 lessons4
Mental wellbeing: Talking about emotions
Year 7
4/5 lessons5
Internet safety and harms: Reality vs the online world
Year 7
3/4 lessons6
Healthy lifestyles: Physical fitness and healthy eating
Year 7
3/5 lessons7
Health and prevention: Basic health
Year 7
3/4 lessons8
Changing adolescent body: Puberty and menstrual wellbeing
Year 7
6 lessons9
Families: Stable relationships and marriage
Year 8
2 lessons10
Respectful relationships: Stereotypes and bullying
Year 8
6 lessons11
Online and media: Harmful contact
Year 8
5 lessons12
Mental wellbeing: Recognising concerns
Year 8
5 lessons13
Internet safety and harms: Body Image
Year 8
3/5 lessons14
Drugs and alcohol: Smoking and Alcohol
Year 8
6 lessons15
Health and prevention: Sleep and routines
Year 8
3/4 lessons