Year 2

Who was Katherine Johnson?

In this lesson, we will learn about Katherine Johnson's main achievements and the story of her life. We will learn how she used maths to get rockets into space and back home safely.

Year 2

Who was Katherine Johnson?

In this lesson, we will learn about Katherine Johnson's main achievements and the story of her life. We will learn how she used maths to get rockets into space and back home safely.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Katherine Johnson's life story and contributions to science
  2. How maths was used to safely send rockets to space and back


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4 Questions

What was Katherine Johnson's favourite subject?
Correct answer: Maths
What was Katherine Johnson's first job?
A 'computer' at NASA
Correct answer: A primary school teacher
An astronuat
How many times did John Glenn orbit the Earth?
Correct answer: 3
What went wrong on Apollo 13?
A window broke
Correct answer: An explosion
They ran out of fuel