Year 1

Waterproof materials: plan and do

I can plan and do an investigation to find out about waterproof materials.

Year 1

Waterproof materials: plan and do

I can plan and do an investigation to find out about waterproof materials.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The properties of materials make them suitable or not suitable for different jobs.
  2. Being waterproof is one type of simple property.
  3. If a material is waterproof it does not let water pass through it.
  4. Some materials are waterproof and some materials are not.
  5. Scientists test materials to find out which are waterproof and which are not.

Common misconception

Children may instinctively classify objects by observational similarities or through knowledge of use rather than by the material from which the objects are made.

Importance of testing each material to check if we are correct and not to rely on what we think we already know. Scientists ask questions and test their ideas.


  • Material - A material is what an object is made from. An object can be made from more than one material.

  • Properties - The describing words we use for a material are called its properties.

  • Suitable - Someone or something that is suitable for a particular purpose or occasion is right or acceptable for it.

  • Waterproof - A waterproof material does not allow any water to pass through it.

  • Investigate - When scientists investigate they are trying to find out what happens when something is changed.

Provide children with a variety of different materials that can be secured over a plastic cup for testing. Children can discuss whether they think each material is waterproof and then test them to see if their ideas were correct.
Teacher tip


Jugs, pipettes, different materials for testing, transparent plastic cups, rubber bands, cotton wool buds.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

A career is...
An image in a quiz
a kind of car
a plant
Correct answer: a job that a person chooses to do
someone who looks after someone else
True or false? Science jobs are only for boys.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: false, False
Which of these jobs needs clothes that keep them safe from heat?
a dancer
Correct answer: a chef
a vet
Which of these is a type of material?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: fabric
Correct answer: plastic
Which of these are properties of materials?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: dull
Correct answer: smooth
Scientists investigate the properties of materials. What does investigate mean?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Investigate means testing things and finding out more.
Investigate means guessing answers.
Investigate means writing things down.
Q5 Source: Tomascastelazo. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

6 Questions

Which of these is a property of materials?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: waterproof
True of false? All materials are waterproof.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: false
A material that is waterproof...
An image in a quiz
does not let light pass through it
does not let heat pass through it
Correct answer: does not let water pass through it
Which of these items of clothing must a firefighter wear?
An image in a quiz
a pair of shorts
a sun hat
Correct answer: a flameproof coat
How do scientists check which materials are waterproof?
An image in a quiz
they measure each material
Correct answer: they test each material
they count each material
Match the object to the suitable material.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:paper,a book

a book

Correct Answer:glass,a jar

a jar

Correct Answer:plastic,a pot

a pot

Correct Answer:metal,a key

a key

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