Plants without water
You can find out and describe what happens when plants do not have water.
Plants without water
You can find out and describe what happens when plants do not have water.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Plants are living things, they need water to grow, stay alive and and keep healthy.
- Without water, a plant can dry out, drop leaves, lose its strength and begin to wilt.
- Changes in plant growth can be compared and described using observation skills.
- Different plants can survive without water for different amounts of time.
- Unhealthy plants without water can sometimes be recovered with water within a short period of time.
Plant - A plant is a living thing that often has roots, stem and leaves.
Water - All living things need water to stay alive.
Survive - A plant will survive, or stay alive, when it has everything it needs.
Compare - When we compare, we look at what is the same and what is different about at least two things.
Record - We record in science to keep information so that it can be looked at again.
Common misconception
Pupils may think that plants need lots of water everyday
Remind pupils that different plants need different amounts of water, and a plant with too much, or not enough, water could become unhealthy
Pupils will need equipment for their chosen method of recording (ipads, drawing materials etc.)
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions

plant is green, shiny and strong
plant looks dull and begins to wilt
plant is dry, crispy, floppy and wilted

to grow down to 'search' for water
to store water
to stop leaves from losing water and drying out