Year 2

Comparing food chains

I can compare the food chains that I have created with other food chains.

Year 2

Comparing food chains

I can compare the food chains that I have created with other food chains.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A food chain is used to show the order in which living things depend on each other
  2. A plant or animal can be part of many different food chains
  3. Different food chains can be compared to look for what is the same and different

Common misconception

A food chain shows the full detail and is a true representation of what organisms eat.

Include explanations that animals have a varied diet and eat many different foods. A food chain only shows one food source at a time.


  • Food chain - Animals eat plants or other animals. The way this happens is shown in a food chain.

  • Animal - An animal is a living thing which moves and eats other animals or plants.

  • Plant - A plant is a living thing that often has roots, stem and leaves.

  • Compare - We compare things by looking at what is the same and what is different.

Each time the children compare, remind them to ask what is the same and what is different about each food chain. Starting their responses with "I notice that..." will help to structure the conversation.
Teacher tip


Scissors if wish to cut up images of food chains. Access to appropriate secondary sources.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment
  • Exploration of objects


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Put this food chain in order.
An image in a quiz
1 - leaves
2 - giraffe
3 - lion
What is the role of the lion in this food chain?
An image in a quiz
to be food for the giraffe
Correct answer: to eat the giraffe
to eat the leaves
Jun wants to make a food chain. He starts with sunflower seeds and then a mouse. What could be next in the food chain?
An image in a quiz
a shark
a worm
Correct answer: a barn owl
Sam has made this food chain. Match each living thing to its role.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:leaf,to be food for the ladybird

to be food for the ladybird

Correct Answer:ladybird,to be food for the spider

to be food for the spider

Correct Answer:spider,to eat the ladybird

to eat the ladybird

A food chain shows us...
An image in a quiz
every food that an animal eats.
Correct answer: how animals depend on plants and animals for the food they need to stay alive.
how plants make their own food.
Aisha uses the internet to find out what sharks eat. This is called...
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: researching

6 Questions

True or false. Animals and plants can only appear in one food chain.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: false, false., False
What does a food chain show?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: The order that living things depend on each other for food.
The order that living things depend on each other for shelter.
Where living things live.
What living things look like.
Which questions do scientists ask when they compare?
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Correct answer: What is the same? What is different?
What is first? What is last?
What is the smallest? What is the biggest?
In this food chain which living thing will be changed if the rabbit is food for a weasel?
An image in a quiz
the grass
the rabbit
Correct answer: the fox
When we look at what is the same and what is different in food chains we are...
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: comparing
Alex's food chain shows that a plant is food for a ladybird and a ladybird is food for a spider. He compares it to the food chain that Jacob has made. What is the same? What is different?
An image in a quiz
The ladybird and the spider are the same. The plant is different.
The plant and the ladybird are the same. The spider is different.
Correct answer: The plant is the same. The ladybird and the spider are different.

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