Plant adaptations
I can describe some adaptations in a range of plants.
Plant adaptations
I can describe some adaptations in a range of plants.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Plants have special features, or adaptations, that help them to survive, live and grow in their habitats.
- Adaptations are passed from one generation of a species to another.
- Many plants have adaptations to help them successfully reproduce.
- Some plants have adaptations that protect them from being eaten.
Adaptation - An adaptation is a feature of a plant or animal that helps them to survive in their habitat.
Survive - To survive means to continue to stay alive.
Habitat - The place where a plant or animal lives is called its habitat.
Environment - An environment is the surroundings or conditions that an animal or plant lives in.
Pollinator - A pollinator is an animal which pollinates a flowering plant.
Common misconception
Pupils may think that, while animals need to be well adapted to survive, plants do not and they simply grow where and how they can.
Use the examples in the slide deck to exemplify the various ways plants are adapted to survive in different environments, just like animals are.
None required.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions

habitat with few nutrients in soil
very hot, dry habitat
habitat near bodies of water
very cold habitat