Year 5

Changes in childhood

I can describe changes in humans as they develop through childhood.

Year 5

Changes in childhood

I can describe changes in humans as they develop through childhood.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. By the time children reach 12 months of age, they are toddlers as they begin to walk.
  2. Once a human reaches the age of three years old, they are classed as a child.
  3. Children reach a variety of important milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move.
  4. The stages of human development through childhood can be recorded using a timeline.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that they grow on their birthday, rather than growth being gradual and continuous.

Using the lesson resources to support, explain to children that during childhood they are slowly and continuously changing and growing.


  • Human - People are a type of animal called humans.

  • Toddler - A toddler is a young human aged 1-3 years old, who is learning to walk.

  • Develop - To develop is to grow or change gradually.

  • Child - After the baby stage, a young human becomes a child.

  • Childhood - Childhood is the time that a human spends as a child.

If possible, seek out photos of pupils in earlier years at school, or examples of work they did, to share during the lesson so they can see how they themselves have changed and their skills have developed during childhood.
Teacher tip


None required.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Young mammals grow and develop in which organ inside their mother's?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Womb
One year is 12 long.
Correct Answer: months, month
How long are humans considered to be babies?
An image in a quiz
1 month
6 months
Correct answer: 1 year
2 years
Which of these statements about mammals is not true?
An image in a quiz
Mammals grow inside their mother’s wombs.
Mammals are born living from their mothers.
Correct answer: Mammals are hatched from eggs.
Mammal offspring show some resemblance to their parents.
At what age do humans start eating foods other than milk?
An image in a quiz
Around 6 days
Around 6 weeks
Correct answer: Around 6 months
Around 6 years
Starting with the earliest, order the stages in a human baby’s development.
An image in a quiz
1 - Kick legs
2 - Sit up
3 - Stand up
4 - Start trying to walk

6 Questions

At what age do children become toddlers?
An image in a quiz
6 months old
Correct answer: 12 months old
2 years old
3 years old
When humans reach 3 years old they are classed as a ...
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: child, children
Which of these skills do most humans not usually learn as children?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Driving
Understanding numbers
Starting with the youngest, order the stages of human development.
1 - Baby
2 - Toddler
3 - Child
Which of these statements about children is not true?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: All children develop at the same rate.
Many children learn to ride a bike.
Children’s social skills improve as they get older.
Children usually need some help from their carers to survive and stay healthy.
Which of these would be a good way to record different stages of human development?
A Venn diagram
Correct answer: A timeline
A photograph of a baby
A line graph
Q2 © Q5 children, girls