Year 5

Changes in old age

I can describe changes in humans as they develop into old age.

Year 5

Changes in old age

I can describe changes in humans as they develop into old age.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Old age is the last period of human life.
  2. Old age in adulthood is believed to begin at about 65 years.
  3. During old age, hair can become more grey and hearing and vision can deteriorate.
  4. During old age, bones can shrink in size, and muscles generally lose strength and flexibility.
  5. We can find answers to questions about human development in old age by speaking to elderly people.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that all elders are like their grandparents or other older people they know, whether they are fit and active or more frail and sedentary.

Using the resources to support, explain that all humans are different and so there'll be differences in how they age. Also make it clear that old age can span up to 40 years so there'll be differences between someone who is 65 and someone who is 95.


  • Human - People are a type of animal called humans.

  • Develop - To develop is to grow or change gradually.

  • Adult - The adult is a mature form of a plant or animal.

  • Elder - Humans past the age of 65 are considered to be elders.

  • Elderly - An elderly person is an older person past the age of 65.


An elderly person or people to answer children's questions.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Starting with the earliest, put these life stages in order:
1 - childhood
2 - adolescence
3 - adulthood
When humans reach the stage of development, they have finished developing physically and mentally.
Correct Answer: adult, adulthood
What are muscles for?
An image in a quiz
Sensing the world around us
Protecting our organs
Correct answer: Movement
What is a person's vision?
Correct answer: Their ability to see
Their ability to hear
Their ability to run
Their ability to plan ahead
Which of these statements about humans is not true?
An image in a quiz
Humans are mammals
Humans are animals
Humans are vertebrates
Correct answer: Humans are amphibians
Middle age begins around years of age.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 40, forty

6 Questions

Starting with the earliest, order the stages of human development.
1 - Baby
2 - Toddler
3 - Child
4 - Adolescent
5 - Adult
6 - Elder
Old age is the stage of human life.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: last, final, end
Which of these changes happens to humans during the elder stage of development?
Correct answer: Hair becomes more grey
Correct answer: Tissue between bones can shrink in size
Baby teeth fall out
Height increases
Around what age does the elderly stage of a human’s life generally begin?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 65
Match the body part or ability to the change that happens during the elder stage of development.
Correct Answer:Vision and hearing,can deteriorate

can deteriorate

Correct Answer:Hair,becomes more grey

becomes more grey

Correct Answer:Muscles,lose strength and flexibility

lose strength and flexibility

Correct Answer:Tissue between bones,Can shrink in size

Can shrink in size

How could we find out about the changes our elderly friends and family experience during old age?
Researching online
Correct answer: Asking them questions
Reading a book about humans
Carrying out a fair test