Year 5

Life expectancy (non-statutory)

I can research and compare life expectancy over time.

Year 5

Life expectancy (non-statutory)

I can research and compare life expectancy over time.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Life expectancy is the measure of how long a person is expected to live.
  2. Life expectancy varies worldwide and involves many factors.
  3. The average life expectancy in the UK is around 79 years for males and 83 years for females.
  4. Life expectancy can be researched using secondary sources of information.
  5. Life expectancy can be plotted on a line graph to show changes over time.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that life expectancy is a prediction for individuals or a guarantee.

Using the lesson resources to support, explain that life expectancy is a measurement we can make using data that we have about human lifespans. We cannot use it to predict how long an individual or group’s life will be.


  • Life expectancy - Life expectancy is the measure of how long a person may live.

  • Average - An average is a number that is calculated by adding amounts together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities.

  • Research - To research something is to find out about it or investigate it carefully.

  • Line graph - A line graph is a type of diagram that can be used to show how something changes over time.


None required.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of these types of diagram is a line graph?
Correct answer: B
What is pollution?
Correct answer: When harmful materials are put into the environment.
When people use electricity.
When there is not enough of something to go round everyone.
When animals, including humans, become ill.
What is a person’s diet?
The healthy foods that they eat.
Correct answer: All of the foods they eat regularly.
What they eat when they are trying to reduce calories.
The meal they have in the evening.
On this graph, what is shown on the y axis?
An image in a quiz
the age of children measured
Correct answer: the height of children measured
the number of children measured
Match the date to the correct name.
Correct Answer:1700-1800 ,the 18th century

the 18th century

Correct Answer:1800-1900 ,the 19th century

the 19th century

Correct Answer:1900-2000 ,the 20th century

the 20th century

Correct Answer:2000-2100 ,the 21st century

the 21st century

Starting with the earliest, order these dates.
1 - 5000 BCE
2 - 1000 BCE
3 - 100 BCE
4 - 500 CE
5 - 1900 CE
Q1 image 3 UYSEG

6 Questions

The amount of time a person is expected to live is called their life ...
Correct Answer: expectancy
Match the life expectancy of UK people in 2024 to the correct group.
Correct Answer:79 years ,men


Correct Answer:83 years ,women


Which of these factors would be likely to increase a person’s life expectancy?
Correct answer: having a healthy, balanced diet
getting very little exercise
living in an area with a lot of pollution
Correct answer: being able to see a doctor for any injury or illness
Correct answer: having access to clean, running water
We can find out more about life expectancy in different places and at different times by carrying out using secondary sources.
Correct Answer: research, researching
Why would we use a line graph to represent life expectancy each century from 1200 CE to now?
Correct answer: Because line graphs show changes over time.
Because line graphs are simple to draw.
Because line graphs make it easy to find an average.
Starting with the shortest, order the people according to how long their life expectancy would be.
1 - A woman living in 1224
2 - A man living in 1942
3 - A man living in 2024
4 - A woman living in 2024