Year 5

More about human development

I can plan relevant questions to ask humans about changes as they grow.

Year 5

More about human development

I can plan relevant questions to ask humans about changes as they grow.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Scientists ask relevant questions in order to find out more about the world.
  2. A survey is a method of gathering information using relevant questions.
  3. A survey is usually taken from a sample of people with the aim of understanding populations as a whole.
  4. Different types of questions can be used in a survey and they must be planned carefully.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that human development milestones happen at the same time for everyone.

Using the lesson resources to support, explain that humans are all different and so grow and develop at different rates. This is why we need surveys to find out more information, as one rule cannot be applied to all humans.


  • Question - A question is a type of sentence which asks something.

  • Relevant - Something that is relevant is connected to what is happening or being discussed.

  • Population - Population is the number of people living in a certain place.

  • Survey - A survey is a set of questions used to gather information.

  • Sample - A sample of a population means a part of that population.

Pupil’s family members could be invited into school to answer children's survey questions. This would give children a range of ages to speak to, and make their results relevant to their own lives.
Teacher tip


None required.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Which of these sentences are questions?
What a lot of learning we have done today!
Correct answer: What is the name for the stage after childhood?
I don’t know what babies eat.
Correct answer: What is the average adult height for women?
Match the human development stage to the approximate age.
Correct Answer:baby,0 - 1 year old

0 - 1 year old

Correct Answer:toddler,1 - 3 years old

1 - 3 years old

Correct Answer:child,3 - 12 years old

3 - 12 years old

Correct Answer:adolescent,12 - 20 years old

12 - 20 years old

Correct Answer:adult,20+ years old

20+ years old

Which of these statements about humans is not true?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: They all reach development milestones at the same time.
They are mammals who give birth to live young.
They stop growing taller at the end of puberty.
They grow and develop inside their mother's womb during a gestation period.
Starting with the earliest, order these human development milestones.
1 - able to eat solid food
2 - learn to walk
3 - voice becomes deeper for boys
4 - stop growing taller
5 - bones shrink slightly
Which of these changes generally happen during puberty?
learn to walk
Correct answer: body hair grows under arms
bones shrink slightly
Correct answer: height increases
Correct answer: girls’ hips get wider and boys’ shoulders get broader
Which of these changes are likely to happen to humans during the elder stage?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: many wrinkles appear on skin
periods start
Correct answer: muscles may lose strength and flexibility
Correct answer: vision and hearing may deteriorate
voice becomes deeper

6 Questions

Scientists ask relevant to help them find out more about the world.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: questions, question
What is a survey?
a set of statements giving information
a set of numbers that tell us about populations
a set of coordinates used to locate something on a map
Correct answer: a set of questions used to gather information
Match the question stem to the rest of each question.
Correct Answer:What,is the name for the last stage of human development?

is the name for the last stage of human development?

Correct Answer:When,do most children learn to walk?

do most children learn to walk?

Correct Answer:Where,on the body does more hair grow during puberty?

on the body does more hair grow during puberty?

Correct Answer:How,does human height change over time?

does human height change over time?

Which of these questions would not be relevant to a human development survey?
How old were you when you took your first steps?
How old were you when you noticed your first grey hairs?
Correct answer: How old were you when you had your first holiday?
How old were you when your first tooth fell out?
Which of these statements about surveys is not true?
Surveys use a sample of people to help us understand whole populations.
Survey questions should be planned carefully.
Surveys can include different types of questions.
Correct answer: Surveys must be done with every single person in a particular population.
Why are surveys taken from a sample of people, not every single person in a population?
Correct answer: It would not be possible to get every single person to respond.
The amount of people surveyed won’t have any effect on the results.
Everyone will give the same answers.