Year 3

Light sources

I can identify and name natural and human-made light sources.

Year 3

Light sources

I can identify and name natural and human-made light sources.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A light source is something that produces and gives out light.
  2. Light sources can be natural or made by humans.
  3. The Sun is our main natural light source.
  4. The Moon is not a light source, it does not produce its own light.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that all light sources are made by humans. Pupils may think that the Moon is a light source.

Explanation that light sources can be natural or made by humans - use examples within the lesson slides. Explanation that the Moon does not produce its own light and is not a light source.


  • Light source - Something that is a light source produces its own light.

  • Human-made - Something that is human-made is made or caused by humans.

  • Natural - A natural object or material has not been interfered with in any way by humans.

Make the classroom as dark as possible by turning off all lights and closing blinds/curtains so that children are able to observe light sources.
Teacher tip


Box with hole in top/side, Christmas bauble, aluminium foil, mirror, electric tea light, tube of glitter, crystal, torch, phone/electronic device.


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6 Questions

What do eyes help humans to do?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: see
What does dark mean?
An image in a quiz
without taste
without sound
True or false? Humans can see when there is no light.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: false
Which of these images shows darkness?
image 1
Correct answer: image 2
image 3
Why can't humans see when they close their eyes?
An image in a quiz
There is too much light.
Some humans have little or no sight.
Correct answer: A human's eyelids are opaque and block the light.
What can help humans when they are unable to use their sense of sight?
An image in a quiz
Wearing a blindfold.
Doing an obstacle course.
Correct answer: Using other senses such as touch and hearing.

6 Questions

What is a light source?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Something that produces and gives out light.
Something that produces and gives out sound.
Something that produces and gives out smell.
Which of these is a light source?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: a torch
a book
a human
True or false? All light sources are human-made.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: false
Which of these is a human-made light source?
Correct answer: torch
What is our main natural light source?
a ceiling light
the Moon
Correct answer: the Sun
Which of these statements is true?
An image in a quiz
The Moon is a natural light source.
The Moon is a human-made light source.
Correct answer: The Moon is not a light source.