Year 3

Making shadows

I can explain how shadows are formed.

Year 3

Making shadows

I can explain how shadows are formed.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. When light falls on some objects, a dark shape is formed on the other side of the object.
  2. A shadow is a dark shape that is formed when an object blocks light.
  3. Opaque objects do not allow light to travel through them.
  4. A shadow does not show the features of an object.
  5. The shape of a shadow depends on the shape of the object blocking the light.

Common misconception

Shadows contain details of the object, such as facial features of a human’s shadow. Also that a shadow can be a different shape to the object, and formed in between the light source and the object.

Explanation of how shadows are formed.


  • Shadow - A shadow is a dark shape that is formed when an object blocks light.

  • Object - An object is something you can touch but something that is not usually a living thing.

  • Light source - Something that is a light source produces its own light.

  • Opaque - Light cannot pass through objects that are opaque.

Make the classroom as dark as possible before creating shadows. A light box or an overhead projector work well for the tasks in this lesson.
Teacher tip


Torches and other light sources, paper or cardboard, scissors, tape, pencils or lolly sticks, a range of objects made from transparent, translucent and opaque materials for testing.


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6 Questions

Alex is classifying materials by how much light they let travel through them. Which groups should he put them into?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: opaque, transparent and translucent
rough and smooth
waterproof and absorbent
Which of these statements is true?
An image in a quiz
Opaque materials let light pass through them.
Opaque materials let some light pass through them.
Correct answer: Opaque materials do not let light pass through them.
Which of these images shows an object made from a transparent material?
Correct answer: cup
bathroom window
True or false? Transparent materials do not let light travel through them.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: false
What kind of material does this image show?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: translucent
Which of these statements is true?
We can see objects clearly through translucent materials.
Correct answer: We can see objects through translucent materials but not clearly.
We cannot see objects through translucent materials.
Q3 image 3 Marcus Bensmann/Shutterstock

6 Questions

A dark shape is formed on a surface when an object blocks ...
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: light.
Which of these images shows a shadow?
Correct answer: image 1
image 2
image 3
Which word describes materials that do not allow light to travel through them?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: opaque, Opaque
Which of these objects is made from an opaque material?
frosted glass window
Correct answer: metal tin
plastic cup
The shape of a shadow depends on ...
An image in a quiz
the size of the object that is blocking the light.
Correct answer: the shape of the object that is blocking the light.
the colour of the object that is blocking the light.
Which of these statements are true?
An image in a quiz
A shadow shows the features on an object.
Correct answer: A shadow does not show the features on an object.
A shadow is formed on the same side of the object as the light source.
Correct answer: A shadow is the same shape as the object.
Correct answer: A shadow is formed on the other side of the object as the light source.
Q4 image 1 Marcus Bensmann/Shutterstock