Year 5

Insect life cycles

I can describe the stages in the life cycle of different insects.

Year 5

Insect life cycles

I can describe the stages in the life cycle of different insects.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Insects are animals, they are living things that grow and reproduce
  2. The life cycles of different insects can be observed over time and/or researched
  3. The life cycle of an insect is commonly: egg, larva (young stage), pupa (inactive) and adult stage
  4. Many insects undergo the greatest changes of all animals, they undergo a complete metamorphosis
  5. Scientific diagrams are used to show the stages in an insect’s life cycle

Common misconception

Pupils may think that the insect is dead inside the pupa, or that the pupa is not a living thing.

Using the lesson resources to support, explain that the insect is alive and changing inside the pupa, even if the pupa itself doesn't move.


  • Insect - An insect is an invertebrate animal that has antennae, six legs and a body divided into segments.

  • Life cycle - A life cycle is the way in which a living thing changes as it ages.

  • Larva - Larva is the life cycle stage that some animals go through before metamorphosis into their next form.

  • Pupa - Inside a pupa, an insect changes from one form to another.

  • Metamorphosis - Metamorphosis is a major change from one form to another.

When children are creating their own insect in Practice Task B, give them the opportunity to be creative. They could make their insect using salt dough or box craft materials, or even use ICT to create a drawing.
Teacher tip


Salt dough or similar (optional), access to the internet and/or texts about insect life cycles

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

Insects are invertebrates. What does ‘invertebrate’ mean?
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Correct answer: An animal without a spine (backbone)
An animal without a digestive system
An animal without legs
An animal without a brain
Which two of these animals are not insects?
Correct answer: Garden spider
Correct answer: Snail
Which of these is not part of an insect’s segmented body?
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Correct answer: Torso
What is the name for this object that has a developing animal inside?
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Correct Answer: egg, an egg, eggs
Animals can reproduce. What does this mean?
They have a life cycle
They hunt for food
They live together with animals of the same type
Correct answer: They make more animals of the same type
What are insect antennae for?
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Scaring away predators
Tasting food
Correct answer: Sensing the world around them
Extra legs

6 Questions

Which stage does not appear in the insect life cycle?
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Correct answer: Larva with hind legs
Order the stages in the insect life cycle.
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1 - egg
2 - larva
3 - pupa
4 - adult
Which statement is false?
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Insects are cold-blooded
Insects are invertebrates
Insects hatch from eggs
Most insects go through metamorphosis
Correct answer: Insects drink milk form their mother when young
When insects are at the stage of their life cycle, they are able to reproduce.
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Correct Answer: adult, Adult
Which diagram would be best for communicating the stages an insect goes through as it ages?
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Venn diagram
Correct answer: Life cycle diagram
Food chain
The big change in form that most insects go through inside an inactive pupa is called .
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: metamorphosis, Metamorphosis