Year 5

More about endangered animals (non-statutory)

I can communicate information about why some animals are in danger of becoming extinct, and what can be done to help them.

Year 5

More about endangered animals (non-statutory)

I can communicate information about why some animals are in danger of becoming extinct, and what can be done to help them.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Endangered animals are animals that are in danger of becoming extinct.
  2. Everyone can take action to help prevent animals from becoming extinct.
  3. Scientists communicate information in clear and interesting ways to make it easy to understand.

Common misconception

Pupils may think they personally can't do anything to prevent animals becoming endangered/extinct.

Use the resources to explain the things pupils can do to help, and encourage them to think specifically about which are possible for them.


  • Extinct - Animals or plants that have died out completely are extinct.

  • Conservationist - A conservationist is a scientist who works to prevent animals from becoming endangered or extinct.

  • Endangered - An endangered plant or animal is one that is at risk of becoming extinct.

  • Communicate - To communicate is to share or exchange information or ideas.

Give children as much freedom as possible to record their information for task B. Electronic tablets could be used to record videos, and there are lots of free apps available for creating engaging presentations with audio and visual elements.
Teacher tip


Internet access for research (optional)

Content guidance

  • Equipment requiring safe usage.


Adult supervision recommended.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).



6 Questions

What is a species?
Correct answer: A distinct type of living organism
A group of animals with very few similar characteristics
An extinct animal
An animal that has adapted to its habitat
What are endangered animals at risk of?
An image in a quiz
Becoming dangerous to humans
Producing too many offspring
Correct answer: Becoming extinct
Which of these changes to a habitat could lead to an animal becoming endangered?
More trees being planted
Correct answer: Changes to the usual temperature
Correct answer: Deforestation
Conservationists working in the area
What does it mean when a species has become extinct?
An image in a quiz
It will be very hard for that species to reproduce.
Correct answer: There will never be any more of that species.
The species has lost its habitat.
The species has lost its food source
Which of these is an example of climate change?
The weather being warmer today than it was yesterday
Hot weather in summer in the UK
Correct answer: The temperature of the ocean steadily warming up over time
Forests being cut down to make way for new buildings
The clearing away of large areas of forest and woodland is called .
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Correct Answer: deforestation

6 Questions

True or false? Everyone can take action to help endangered animals.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: True
Why do scientists present their findings in a clear and interesting way?
An image in a quiz
Because they want to seem clever
Correct answer: Because they want as many people as possible to understand it
Because they want very few people to understand it
When a species is at risk of becoming extinct, it is classed as .
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: endangered
What does it mean to communicate something?
Correct answer: To share or exchange information
To move something from one place to another
To exclude something
To have something in common
Which of these are actions we can take to help prevent climate change?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Turning electronic devices off when not in use
Using cars more often
Eating more meat
Correct answer: Switching off lights when leaving a room
Correct answer: Walking instead of driving a car.
Which of these is not work that conservationists do?
An image in a quiz
Protecting endangered species
Raising awareness about endangered animals
Correct answer: Finding sites for deforestation
Observing endangered species in the wild
Collecting information about animals
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