Year 7

Group 7

Describe the trends in reactivity of Group 7 elements and how they react with different Group 7 elements and elements from other groups.

Year 7

Group 7

Describe the trends in reactivity of Group 7 elements and how they react with different Group 7 elements and elements from other groups.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Describe the trends in physical and chemical properties of Group 7 elements
  2. Write word equations to represent Group 7 element reactions
  3. Describe the displacement reactions of Group 7 elements


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6 Questions

Match the state change with its description.
Correct Answer:melting ,changing from solid to liquid

changing from solid to liquid

Correct Answer:evaporation ,changing from liquid to gas

changing from liquid to gas

Correct Answer:condensation ,changing from gas to liquid

changing from gas to liquid

Correct Answer:freezing ,changing from liquid to solid

changing from liquid to solid

Correct Answer:sublimation ,changing from solid to gas

changing from solid to gas

The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas is called the ...
Correct answer: boiling point.
freezing point.
melting point.
sublimation point.
Match each Group 7 element to its periodic table symbol.
Correct Answer:fluorine ,F


Correct Answer:chlorine ,Cl


Correct Answer:bromine ,Br


Correct Answer:iodine ,I


Correct Answer:astatine ,At


Which group of the periodic table do these elements belong to: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine?
Group 1 - alkali metals
Group 2 - alkali earth metals
Correct answer: Group 7 - halogens
Group 8 - noble gases
In a chemical equation, what do we call the substances that are made?
Correct Answer: products, the products, the product, product
Select the two chemical properties.
melting point
Correct answer: reactivity
Correct answer: toxicity

6 Questions

What is the name given to the Group 7 elements?
alkali earth metals
alkali metals
Correct answer: halogens
noble gases
transition metals
Match the keyword with its definition.
Correct Answer:volatility,The tendency of a substance to evaporate.

The tendency of a substance to evaporate.

Correct Answer:sublimation,The process of changing state from solid to gas with no liquid phase.

The process of changing state from solid to gas with no liquid phase.

Correct Answer:displacement,When a more reactive element pushes a less reactive element out of a compound.

When a more reactive element pushes a less reactive element out of a compound.

Correct Answer:melting point,The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.

The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.

Select two physical properties of the halogens.
Correct answer: coloured
good conductors
Correct answer: having an odour
high melting and boiling points
Starting with the most reactive, sort the halogens into order of reactivity.
1 - fluorine
2 - chlorine
3 - bromine
4 - iodine
5 - astatine
What is the product from a reaction between potassium and bromine?
Correct Answer: potassium bromide, KBr
Which is the only halogen that is able to displace chlorine from sodium chloride?
Correct Answer: fluorine, F