Year 8

Animals are adapted for their environment

I can describe how some animals are adapted to help them survive, and how environmental conditions affect animal biodiversity.

Year 8

Animals are adapted for their environment

I can describe how some animals are adapted to help them survive, and how environmental conditions affect animal biodiversity.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Animals have adaptations that help them to survive in their environment.
  2. Some adaptations are physical, such as thick fur.
  3. Some adaptations are behavioural, such as being nocturnal.
  4. Changes in the environment can affect animal biodiversity.

Common misconception

Pupils often believe that biodiversity is the number of organisms that live in a place, rather than the number of different species that live in a place.

There is extensive coverage in the lesson around biodiversity being the range of species that are found in an area.


  • Biodiversity - Biodiversity is the range of different living species that live in a place.

  • Adaptation - An adaptation is a feature that organisms have to help them live in a particular place.

  • Extinction - Extinction is the permanent loss of a species.

  • Conservation - Conservation is the process of protecting biodiversity and the environment.


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6 Questions

Match the word to its meaning.
Correct Answer:conservation,The process of protecting biodiversity and the environment.

The process of protecting biodiversity and the environment.

Correct Answer:habitat,The place where an organism lives. It provides food, shelter and water

The place where an organism lives. It provides food, shelter and water

Correct Answer:biodiversity,the range of different living species that live in a place.

the range of different living species that live in a place.

Which of these factors are biotic?
Correct answer: Decomposers
What do animals need from their environment?
Correct answer: shelter
Correct answer: food
Correct answer: water
Who is correct?
Sam: Adaptations are where an animal chooses to have a feature that help them.
Laura: Only plants have adaptations.
Correct answer: Alex: Adaptations are features that help an organism survive.
Jun: Animals can move to new areas to survive so they don't need to adapt.
How is this cactus adapted for the desert environment?
An image in a quiz
it is large to conserve heat
Correct answer: it has spines to deter predators
it has no roots
Correct answer: it has deep roots to obtain water
Correct answer: it has a swollen stem that contains water
Having waxy leaves in an example of a adaptation.
Correct Answer: physical, physiological, structural

6 Questions

Match the physical adaptations with how they help the animal to survive.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:wide hooves,prevents sinking into the sand

prevents sinking into the sand

Correct Answer:long eyelashes,stops sand entering the eyes

stops sand entering the eyes

Correct Answer:long legs,to run from predators

to run from predators

Correct Answer:hump,stores fat which can be used to provide water

stores fat which can be used to provide water

Correct Answer:thin fur,helps with camouflage and keeping cool

helps with camouflage and keeping cool

Correct Answer:thick lips,helps it to eat tough and thorny plants

helps it to eat tough and thorny plants

Which of these adaptations are behavioural?
Correct answer: nocturnal
good eyesight
Correct answer: migrating
Correct answer: hibernation
Animals that are active at night are called?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: Nocturnal, nocturnal
Match the word to its meaning?
Correct Answer:Extinction,Is when a species is lost forever.

Is when a species is lost forever.

Correct Answer:Migration ,When organisms travel to new places to feed or breed.

When organisms travel to new places to feed or breed.

Correct Answer:Hibernation,When organisms are dormant in cold winter months.

When organisms are dormant in cold winter months.

Which of the following are causing biodiversity loss?
Correct answer: Habitat destruction
Correct answer: Hunting animals for food
Correct answer: Hunting animals for trophies
Correct answer: Climate change
Heavy rainfall
How can humans can help to conserve animals?
Capture animals just to live in a zoo
Correct answer: Provide protected areas
Correct answer: Breeding programs
Correct answer: Restore habitats
Plant crops