Year 8

Conserving biodiversity

I can describe a number of ways in which humans are impacting on biodiversity.

Year 8

Conserving biodiversity

I can describe a number of ways in which humans are impacting on biodiversity.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Biodiversity is important to maintain healthy habitats.
  2. A gene pool is the range of DNA in a species.
  3. Biodiversity can be maintained by conservation, protection and gene banks.

Common misconception

Biodiversity conservation can only take place in large natural habitats such as forests.

Biodiversity conservation can take place on a small scale, for example, by providing habitats in gardens and in urban areas. On a smaller scale still, seeds and embryos can be stored to help conserve gene pools.


  • Biodiversity - Biodiversity is the range of different living organisms (species) that live in a place.

  • Gene bank - A gene bank is a store of genetic material for future use. For example, collections of seeds, or stores of plant and animal cells.

  • DNA - Genetic material is made of a chemical substance called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

  • Conservation - Conservation is the process of protecting biodiversity and the environment.

  • Gene pool - The gene pool is the range of DNA in a species. The larger the gene pool, the more easily species can adapt to changes to their habitat.

There are lots of examples of conservation in action that pupils can research as an independent project. Lots of zoos also provide information about how they contribute to conservation projects as part of their work.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

True or false? This habitat has a high level of biodiversity.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: false
Which of the following would be likely to decrease biodiversity?
planting more trees in a habitat
Correct answer: changing a grassland into a playing field
Correct answer: extreme climate change
conserving a habitat as part of a nature reserve
Groups of organisms that are able to reproduce with each other to produce offspring that are also able to reproduce are called a .
Correct Answer: species
Which of the following organisms could be sampled using this piece of sampling equipment?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: orchid flowers
Correct answer: snails
Match the following features of a pitfall trap to how the feature helps to sample organisms.
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Correct Answer:steep sides,stop organisms in the trap escaping

stop organisms in the trap escaping

Correct Answer:leaves in the trap,are food to attract organisms

are food to attract organisms

Correct Answer:drainage holes,stop organisms in the trap drowning

stop organisms in the trap drowning

Correct Answer:cover,protects the trap from weather

protects the trap from weather

Correct Answer:buried level with the surface,to help make sure that organisms drop into the trap

to help make sure that organisms drop into the trap

What might this net be used to sample?
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Correct answer: butterflies
Correct answer: grasshoppers

6 Questions

What does an arrow in a food chain show?
the size of an organism
which organisms are carnivores
the direction that organisms move
Correct answer: how food is transferred from one organism to another
The process of protecting biodiversity and the environment is called .
Correct Answer: conservation, conserving
Which of the following are examples of gene banks?
Correct answer: Svalbaard Global Seed Vault
a gardener's store of seeds for their allotment
Correct answer: a cryobank
packets of seeds at a garden centre
The gene pool of a species determines ...
Correct answer: the genetic variation (differences) in a species.
how similar the individual organisms are.
how many different features an individual organism has.
In which of the following habitats is there likely to be the most biodiversity?
the Arctic
Correct answer: a tropical rainforest
a desert
a small pond
The Tasmanian tiger became extinct less than 100 years ago because of the impact of humans on their habitat. Which of the following reasons might explain why the animal became extinct?
An image in a quiz
The animals were well adapted to their habitats.
Small numbers of individuals meant that there was plenty of food to eat.
Correct answer: As the numbers reduced, the gene pool was too small to adapt to habitat change.