Year 9

The carbon cycle

I can describe the carbon cycle and explain the effect of changes to parts of the cycle.

Year 9

The carbon cycle

I can describe the carbon cycle and explain the effect of changes to parts of the cycle.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Combustion increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  2. Respiration of living things increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  3. Decomposition of dead plants and animals increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  4. Photosynthesis by plants reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  5. Carbon dioxide can dissolve in the oceans.

Common misconception

Carbon is only transferred through respiration, combustion and photosynthesis.

Use the carbon cycle to show how carbon moves between different carbon reservoirs.


  • Carbon cycle - The carbon cycle shows how carbon moves between different carbon reservoirs including the atmosphere, oceans and land on Earth.

  • Photosynthesis - Photosynthesis is a process where energy from sunlight is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

  • Respiration - Cellular respiration is a chemical process that uses glucose from food as a fuel to provide energy for life processes.

  • Combustion - Combustion is when a substance reacts with oxygen, giving out thermal energy to the surroundings.

  • Decomposition - Decomposition is the break down of dead and decaying matter.

Show items containing carbon to show students e.g. coal, glass of water, sedimentary rock, shell and plant.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following do not photosynthesise?
oak trees
Correct answer: humans
What is the molecular formula of carbon dioxide?
Correct answer: CO₂
What three things are required for combustion?
fuel, carbon dioxide and water
fuel, heat and water
Correct answer: fuel, heat and oxygen
carbon dioxide, oxygen and water
Which of the following is the correct equation for respiration?
carbon dioxide + glucose → water + oxygen
Correct answer: oxygen + glucose → carbon dioxide + water
carbon dioxide + water → oxygen + glucose
oxygen + water → carbon dioxide + glucose
What key term describes the break down of dead and decaying matter?
Correct Answer: decomposition, decomposing, decompose
Look at the image of a food chain. Where do carbon atoms in the plant get transferred to?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Carbon atoms are transferred to the caterpillar when it eats the plant.
Carbon atoms are transferred from the caterpillar to the plant when it is eaten.
Correct answer: Carbon atoms from the plant pass to the soil when it dies.
Carbon atoms get broken up when the plant is eaten.

6 Questions

What is the process where energy from sunlight is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen?
Correct Answer: photosynthesis
Which of the following increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
Correct answer: combustion
Correct answer: respiration
animals eating plants
dissolving in the oceans
What effect does decomposition have on the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
Correct answer: increases the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
decreases the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
has no effect on the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Which of the following are ways that carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere?
Correct answer: photosynthesis
Correct answer: dissolving in the oceans
combustion of fossil fuels
Which of the following is not a way that carbon is transferred between different carbon reservoirs.
Carbon is transferred to animals when they eat plants.
When animals and plants die carbon is transferred to the soil.
Correct answer: Decomposition removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Combustion releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans reacts to form carbonate compounds.
Rearrange the statements to explain one way that carbon dioxide in the oceans can end up in plants.
1 - The carbon dioxide reacts to form carbonate compouds.
2 - The carbonate compounds are used to make shells and bones.
3 - When the organisms die the shells and bones drop to the bottom of the ocean.
4 - Layers of mud covers the shells and bones.
5 - Over millions of years fossil fuels form.
6 - The fossil fuels are burnt releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
7 - Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere when they photosynthesise.