Year 8

Recovery time after exercise

I can plot a line graph to display data on pulse rate and use it to determine a person’s recovery time after exercise.

Year 8

Recovery time after exercise

I can plot a line graph to display data on pulse rate and use it to determine a person’s recovery time after exercise.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The recovery time is the time it takes for the heart rate to return to its resting rate after exercise.
  2. Heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) can be measured by taking a person's pulse.
  3. A line graph can be plotted showing pulse rate or heart rate over time after exercise.
  4. A person's recovery time can be determined from the line graph.
  5. People who are fitter have a shorter recovery time.

Common misconception

People are either healthy or unhealthy.

Health is a range from good to ill. Fitness is one indicator of general health.


  • Heart rate - the number of beats per minute (bpm) of the heart

  • Pulse - the heart beat felt in a blood vessel

  • Line graph - a graph displaying continuous data plotted as points joined with a line

  • Recovery time - the time it takes for a person’s heart rate to return to the resting heart rate after exercise

When students are drawing their graphs in task B it would help if you could model drawing the axes on the board. It would also be helpful to model drawing a line of best fit through the points.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What is heart rate?
Correct answer: the number of beats per minute
the number of breaths per minute
the number of exercises per minute
Cells need oxygen and glucose as fuel for cellular ...
Correct Answer: respiration
Which type of cell transports oxygen to the body cells?
Correct answer: red blood cell
sperm cell
white blood cell
Muscle cells use energy to ...
Correct answer: contract
make their own food
Which level of activity would you put walking into?
Correct answer: moderate exercise
vigorous exercise
What equipment do you need to draw a graph?
Correct answer: pencil
Correct answer: ruler

6 Questions

True or false? Fitness is only important for our physical health.
Correct answer: False
Sort the steps into the correct order to measure your resting pulse rate.
1 - Sit still for two minutes.
2 - Place the first two fingers of one hand against the wrist of the other hand.
3 - Count the number of pulses felt in 30 seconds.
4 - Multiply by two.
Which of these would be long term effects of exercise?
Correct answer: heart muscle becomes stronger
Correct answer: recovery time decreases
body temperature increases
breathing rate increases
Recovery time is the amount of time it takes for a person’s heart rate to return to its rate after exercise.
Correct Answer: resting, rest
Which graph would we use for plotting continuous data?
bar chart
Correct answer: line graph
pie chart
A physically fit person will usually have a shorter time.
Correct Answer: recovery

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