The effects of exercise on breathing and heart rate
I can plan and carry out an investigation into the effects of exercise on breathing rate or heart rate.
The effects of exercise on breathing and heart rate
I can plan and carry out an investigation into the effects of exercise on breathing rate or heart rate.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Identifying independent variable (amount of exercise) and dependent variable (heart rate or breathing rate).
- Identifying control variables (the person and the length of time spent exercising).
- The independent variable (amount of exercise) is categoric data and goes on the x-axis of a bar chart.
- The dependent variable (heart rate or breathing rate) goes on the y-axis of a bar chart.
- Using knowledge of cellular respiration to explain the results.
Dependent variable - The factor that is being measured.
Independent variable - The factor that is being changed.
Breathing rate - The number of breaths per minute.
Heart rate - The number of heart beats per minute.
Control variable - A factor that needs to be kept the same to make the investigation valid.
Common misconception
Breathing is the same as respiration.
Be clear that breathing is the mechanical process to get oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. Whereas, respiration is the chemical process that provides energy for the cell.
Content guidance
- Risk assessment required - equipment
Adult supervision required
Starter quiz
6 Questions

kill bacteria and viruses
carry oxygen around the body

Exit quiz
6 Questions
dependent variable
independent variable
control variable
independent variable (amount of exercise)
dependent variable (heart rate or breathing rate)
control variable