Year 8

Inside rock

I can make detailed observations of different rocks and use key terms to describe features of them.

Year 8

Inside rock

I can make detailed observations of different rocks and use key terms to describe features of them.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Components of rocks, such as sand, fossils, shells, crystals, help to indicate how those rocks formed and their age.
  2. Rocks contain grains which can be round or interlocking.
  3. Some rocks contain crystals that point in many directions while others are aligned.
  4. Rock types and textures provide insights into geological processes and Earth's history.

Common misconception

Pupils tend to classify rocks by colour, shape or size - not useful for distinguishing rock types.

Encourage pupils to focus on the texture of a rock (the grains and how they are arranged) to classify them and consider uses of those rocks.


  • Grain - Grains are the individual pieces that make up a rock.

  • Minerals - A mineral is an element or compound with a crystal-like structure. They are the 'building blocks' of rocks.

  • Textures - The texture of a rock describes the size and shape of its grains. It also describes how the grains are arranged in the rock.

  • Crystals - A crystal is a solid whose particles have a highly ordered arrangement. They often have a regular shape.

  • Interlocking - Interlocking describes grains which lock together like a "mosaic". Interlocking grains don't have gaps between them.

Provide pupils with a large variety of rock samples so they can practice applying their understanding of relevant rock properties.
Teacher tip


Rock samples, magnifying glasses.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

Which of the following best describes soil?
a type of rock
Correct answer: tiny pieces of rock and organic matter (such as rotting leaves)
completely liquid
only decomposed organic matter
What are the solid parts of planet Earth primarily composed of?
Correct answer: rock
plants and animals
What indicates a rock might be very hard?
it has a smooth texture
Correct answer: it can scratch other rocks
it contains many crystals
it is lightweight
What is a fossil?
a type of mineral
Correct answer: remains or traces of ancient life
a crystal structure in rocks
a kind of soil
True or false? All rocks are equally as hard as each other
Correct answer: false
Which factor does not directly affect the formation of soil from rocks?
the type of rock
the presence of animals
weather conditions
Correct answer: the age of the rock

6 Questions

Match the following rock features to their descriptions:
Correct Answer:grain,individual pieces that make up a rock

individual pieces that make up a rock

Correct Answer:minerals,elements or compounds with a crystal-like structure

elements or compounds with a crystal-like structure

Correct Answer:textures,size, shape, and arrangement of particles in a rock

size, shape, and arrangement of particles in a rock

Correct Answer:crystals,highly ordered, solid particles with a regular shape

highly ordered, solid particles with a regular shape

When examining a rock, which feature is most useful for identifying its type?
Correct answer: texture
When describing a rock that has grains fitting tightly together with no gaps, use the term...
Correct Answer: interlocking
Which of the following is NOT a useful characteristic for classifying rock types?
the size of the grains
the arrangement of the grains
Correct answer: the shape of the rock
whether the grains are interlocking or not
Order the following steps to describe how to analyse a rock's features starting with the most general observation (colour/shape):
1 - observe the rock's colour and shape
2 - determine the rock's texture
3 - examine the arrangement of grains
4 - identify the minerals present
Analysing minerals gives a more accurate geological time, an epoch. This method is particularly useful for rocks that do not contain fossils or those composed of ...
Correct Answer: crystals, crystal

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