Changing temperature
I can describe what happens to the particles that make up a solid or liquid when the temperature changes.
Changing temperature
I can describe what happens to the particles that make up a solid or liquid when the temperature changes.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- If left for long enough, all objects in a room will reach the same temperature as the room.
- Heating a solid makes its particles vibrate more quickly.
- Heating a liquid makes its particles move around more quickly.
- Heating a solid or liquid causes the separation of its particles to increase.
- Heating a solid or liquid causes it to expand.
Expand - to increase in volume
Contract - to decrease in volume
Particle - the smallest part of a substance
Vibrate - to repeatedly and regularly move back–and–forth
Common misconception
Pupils often think that the temperature of larger ice cubes is colder than smaller ones because they take longer to melt.
Emphasise that both a small and large ice cube are at the same temperature when they are in the same freezer.
For demonstration of expansion and contraction: bar and gauge; bar-breaker apparatus; ball and hoop; flask of coloured liquid with capilliary tube to show expansion of a warmed liquid.