Year 9

Group 0 (Noble Gases)

I can describe the properties of the noble gases, their uses, and explain why they are unreactive.

Year 9

Group 0 (Noble Gases)

I can describe the properties of the noble gases, their uses, and explain why they are unreactive.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Noble gases are in Group 0 of the periodic table and are unreactive.
  2. Noble gases are all gases at room temperature.
  3. They have complete outer electron shells, making them stable.
  4. Moving down Group 0 elements, atomic mass, density and boiling points increase.

Common misconception

Confusing the spelling of "noble" with "Nobel" and misunderstanding why noble gases are named so.

Clarify that "noble" refers to their stability and lack of reactivity due to a full outer electron shell, meaning they don't need to bond with other elements.


  • Inert - An inert substance is one which is not chemically reactive.

  • Noble gas - A noble gas is an element in Group 0 of the periodic table.

Emphasise the various uses of these elements due to their inertness, such as in light bulbs.
Teacher tip


Access to computers to research, or printouts of the additional material (comprehension exercise).


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6 Questions

What does a period in the periodic table represent?
Elements with the same number of outer shell electrons.
Elements with the same atomic number.
Correct answer: Elements with the same number of electron shells.
Elements with similar chemical properties.
What do elements in the same group of the periodic table have in common?
similar atomic number
same number of electron shells
same atomic mass
Correct answer: similar chemical properties
Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?
melting ice
tearing paper
dissolving sugar in water
Correct answer: burning wood
boiling water
In a chemical reaction, the substances that are present at the start are called ...
Correct Answer: reactants, reactant
Which of the following is a property of gases?
fixed shape and fixed volume
fixed shape and variable volume
variable shape and fixed volume
Correct answer: variable shape and variable volume
Elements in the same group of the periodic table have the same number of in their outer shell.
Correct Answer: electrons

6 Questions

Noble gases are found in Group of the periodic table.
Correct Answer: 0, zero
Which of the following elements is a noble gas?
Correct answer: helium
Why are noble gases unreactive?
They are non-metals.
Correct answer: They have complete outer electron shells.
They have low atomic masses.
They are gases at room temperature.
The noble gas used in balloons because it is less dense than air is ...
Correct Answer: helium
Arrange the following noble gases in order of increasing boiling points, starting with the lowest boiling point.
1 - helium
2 - neon
3 - krypton
4 - xenon
Match the noble gas with its property or use:
Correct Answer:helium,lightest noble gas

lightest noble gas

Correct Answer:neon,used in high-intensity lamps

used in high-intensity lamps

Correct Answer:argon,most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere

most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere

Correct Answer:krypton,heaviest noble gas

heaviest noble gas

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