Year 9

Seed dispersal: data analysis

I can display data as a graph or chart and identify patterns to conclude on the relationship between the independent and dependent variable.

Year 9

Seed dispersal: data analysis

I can display data as a graph or chart and identify patterns to conclude on the relationship between the independent and dependent variable.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Experimental data can be analysed by plotting data on a line graph or bar chart.
  2. Line graphs are used where the independent variable is continuous; bar charts are used where it is categoric.
  3. Drawing a bar chart and/or line graph follows a set format.
  4. A line of best fit on a line graph indicates the trend (relationship between in the independent and dependent variable).

Common misconception

Labelling the x-axis with the values investigated instead of an evenly spaced range; or putting the axes the wrong way round for independent and dependent variables.

Clearly showing the placement of variables in the table and on the graphs, step-by-step guidance of drawing the graphs.


  • Line graph - A line graph displays data where the independent and dependent variables are continuous.

  • Bar chart - A bar chart displays data where the independent variable is categoric.

  • Line of best fit - A smooth line on a line graph that indicates the trend in the data is called the line of best fit.

  • Trend - A trend is a pattern in the data that shows the relationship between the independent and dependent variable.

Work through the graph drawing slowly, getting pupils to do one step at a time.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the variable to its description.
Correct Answer:control ,the variables you keep the same

the variables you keep the same

Correct Answer:independent,the variable you change

the variable you change

Correct Answer:dependent,the variable you measure

the variable you measure

In the following investigation what is the dependent variable? How wing shape affects the distance seeds disperse.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: wing shape
the distance seeds disperse
wing length
wing width
wing area
In an investigation what do you use to collect your result in?
Correct answer: table
In this investigation what is the independent variable? How distance from a light source effects the number of seed germinating.
the number of seeds that do not germinate
the number of seeds that germinate
Correct answer: distance from the light source to the seeds
distance between the germinating seeds
When you collect repeat readings you can calculate a
Correct Answer: mean, the mean, a mean, mean.
What is an anomalous result?
one that fits the pattern
one that partially fits the pattern
Correct answer: one that doesn't fit the pattern

6 Questions

Match the type of graph or chart to its use.
Correct Answer:line graph,used where the independent variable is continuous

used where the independent variable is continuous

Correct Answer:bar charts,used where the independent variable is categoric

used where the independent variable is categoric

Put the following steps in order.
An image in a quiz
1 - draw an evenly spaced scale on the x-axis for the independent variable
2 - draw an evenly spaced scale on the y-axis for the dependent variable
3 - label both axes with descriptive titles and units
4 - plot the points accurately with a cross
5 - draw a line of best fit
What does this data show?
An image in a quiz
as the height dropped from decreases, the distance dispersed increases
as the height dropped from increases, the distance dispersed decreases
Correct answer: as the height dropped from increases, the distance dispersed increases
as the height dropped from decreases, the distance dispersed decreases
Match the variable to the axis it is plotted on.
Correct Answer:x-axis,indpendent variable

indpendent variable

Correct Answer:y-axis,dependent variable

dependent variable

What is the dependent variable on this bar chart?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: distance seed dispersed
material of model
Which conclusions can be drawn form this bar chart?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: the material of the model affected the distance dispersed
Correct answer: tissue dispersed triple the dispersal of card
Correct answer: paper dispersed almost double the distance of card but less than tissue
tissue dispersed double the distance of card
the height the model was dropped from affected the distance dispersed