Year 7

Distillation: practical

I can compare two types of distillation and successfully use distillation to separate a mixture of miscible liquids.

Year 7

Distillation: practical

I can compare two types of distillation and successfully use distillation to separate a mixture of miscible liquids.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Simple distillation is used to separate a mixture containing only two substances.
  2. Fractional distillation separates mixtures with 3+ substances, or substances with similar boiling points.
  3. Slower heating during distillation allows for more controlled boiling of individual components.
  4. If the condenser warms up it becomes less effective and more gas will escape.

Common misconception

Students think that heating a substance strongly and for extended periods will improve distillation.

Stress that distillation is a skill which requires careful control of heating so only one substance is in the condenser at a time.


  • Distillation - Distillation is a separation technique that uses boiling and condensation to remove and isolate the liquid part of a mixture.

  • Fraction - A fraction is a part of something whole (e.g. a slice of cake).

  • Boiling - Boiling occurs when a substance in the liquid state is heated and changes to the gas state with gas bubbles formed.

  • condensation - Condensation is the process by which a substance in the gas state is cooled and changes to a liquid state.

Have 'simple' and fractional distillation set ups and compare / contrast them. Use fractional distillation to separate ethanol from water then compare the flammability of the distillate and the starting mixture.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment
  • Depiction or discussion of mental health issues


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

True or false? The condenser in a distillation setup should be kept warm.
Correct answer: False
Match the equipment labels to the correct scientific terms.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:a,mixture


Correct Answer:b,thermometer


Correct Answer:c,water out

water out

Correct Answer:d,water in

water in

Correct Answer:e,distillate (pure substance)

distillate (pure substance)

The vapour formed during distillation turns back into a liquid in the ...
Correct Answer: condenser, liebig condenser
True or false? Boiling is a cooling process that occurs when a liquid turns into a gas.
Correct answer: False
What is the product called that is collected after it has been condensed in a distillation process?
Correct Answer: distillate, distillate.
Which of the following mixtures have components that can be separated using distillation?
Correct answer: A mixture of dirt, salt and water
A mixture of coloured sweets
Correct answer: A mixture of water and oil
A mixture of different seeds and dirt

6 Questions

True or false? Simple distillation can be used to separate mixtures with widely varying boiling points.
Correct answer: True
The process of turning a substance in the gas state back into a liquid during distillation is called ...
Correct Answer: condensation, condensing
Why, during simple distillation, should the mixture be heated slowly?
To allow for multiple components of the mixture to vaporise together.
Decrease the boiling point of the mixture.
Correct answer: For controlled boiling of one substance at a time.
The purpose of keeping the condenser cool in distillation is to:
Prevent boiling of the substances in the mixture.
Increase evaporation of substances in the mixture.
Correct answer: Ensure the gas changes into a liquid before it leaves the condenser.
Decrease the time taken for distillation.
True or false? Simple distillation is used to separate a mixture containing 4 substances with similar boiling points.
Correct answer: False
Match the distillation-related terms with their correct definitions.
Correct Answer:Fractional distillation,Separate complex mixtures with similar boiling points

Separate complex mixtures with similar boiling points

Correct Answer:Condenser,Apparatus used to cool vapour back into liquid

Apparatus used to cool vapour back into liquid

Correct Answer:Distillate,The liquid that has been condensed from vapour

The liquid that has been condensed from vapour

Correct Answer:Simple distillation,Separates basic mixtures and removes just one liquid

Separates basic mixtures and removes just one liquid

Correct Answer:Boiling point ,The temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas

The temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas