Year 7

Dissolving: scientific methods

I can identify features of a good method and use them to improve a method that will investigate dissolving.

Year 7

Dissolving: scientific methods

I can identify features of a good method and use them to improve a method that will investigate dissolving.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A method provides step-by-step instructions for how to carry out an investigation.
  2. Methods should include how equipment is used and specific amounts of substances used.
  3. Methods should be written so that they are both repeatable and reproducible.
  4. Methods are written concisely, using clear language and command words.

Common misconception

Sometimes pupils like to write methods in paragraph form, which can be difficult to follow.

Suggest pupils draw labelled diagrams of key steps, write a sentence to describe each diagram, then go back to number them in order.


  • Method - A method describes how an experiment is carried out; a step-by-step procedure.

  • Command word - Command words are words or phrases that indicate what you are expected to do. They are usually imperative verbs.

  • Repeatable - When the same person uses the same method and obtains the same / similar results when repeating the experiment.

  • Reproducible - When a different person uses the same/similar method as another and obtains the same / similar results as that other person.

Class cooperation! One pupil leaves room; remainder are given a set of shapes in a formation. Class works together providing verbal instructions - one at a time - to pupil who hasn't seen the image to recreate it. Pupils cannot use gestures.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - physical activity


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What is the first step in a scientific investigation?
Conducting an experiment.
Making a hypothesis.
Correct answer: Asking a question.
Recording data.
Match the scientific process to its description:
Correct Answer:Asking questions,Involves curiosity and enquiry

Involves curiosity and enquiry

Correct Answer:Performing tests,Involves hands-on activities to investigate

Involves hands-on activities to investigate

Correct Answer:Gathering data,Involves collecting information and results

Involves collecting information and results

Which of these is essential for a fair test in a scientific experiment?
Changing all variables
Keeping all variables constant
Correct answer: Changing only one variable
No need for variables
Match each piece of apparatus to its use.
Correct Answer:Stopwatch,Measuring time

Measuring time

Correct Answer:Thermometer,Measuring temperature

Measuring temperature

Correct Answer:Ruler,Measuring length

Measuring length

Correct Answer:Balance,Measuring mass

Measuring mass

Correct Answer:Measuring cylinder,Measuring volume

Measuring volume

In a scientific investigation, a hypothesis is a guess that doesn't need to be based on previous knowledge.
Correct answer: false
The process of categorising objects or events based on common traits is called...
Correct Answer: classifying, classification

6 Questions

Match the command word to its meaning in a scientific method:
Correct Answer:Observe,To look at and study something carefully.

To look at and study something carefully.

Correct Answer:Measure,To determine the size, quantity, or amount of something.

To determine the size, quantity, or amount of something.

Correct Answer:Record,To write down or take note of data or observations.

To write down or take note of data or observations.

The term for when the similar results are obtained by different people using the same method is...
Correct Answer: reproducible
Why is it important to use command words in a scientific method?
To make the method longer.
Correct answer: To provide clear instructions.
To make it more scientific.
To use more technical language.
A describes how an experiment is carried out; a step-by-step procedure.
Correct Answer: method
When gathering results from an experiment, it’s important to be confident they are as good as can be. This can be achieved by:
Correct answer: choosing appropriate equipment and using it correctly
Correct answer: ensuring the method is clear and easy to follow
Correct answer: ensuring the method will allow for repeatable and reproducible results
ensuring the largest amount of each substance is used
changing the method slightly each time to get better results
After completing an investigation you've collected multiple results. When calculating your average result any inconsistent results can be ignored, such as the result "47.3" in this table.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: true