Year 8

Classification at the cellular level

I can identify cell features that can be used to classify organisms into the kingdoms of animals, plants, fungi and bacteria.

Year 8

Classification at the cellular level

I can identify cell features that can be used to classify organisms into the kingdoms of animals, plants, fungi and bacteria.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Organisms can be classified into groups based on their characteristics at the microscopic, cellular level.
  2. The common features of the cells of animals, plants, fungi and bacteria.
  3. Use of cell features to classify organisms into the kingdoms of animals, plants, fungi and bacteria.

Common misconception

Organisms are classified only according to their visible (macroscopic) features.

This lesson explores the classification of organisms into kingdoms based on the features of their cells.


  • Kingdom - A very large group of organisms with only a few features in common, such as all animals or all plants.

  • Animal - Organism made of cells that have a nucleus, but do not have a cell wall and cannot make their own food.

  • Plant - Organism made of cells that have a nucleus, a cell wall and can make their own food.

  • Fungus - Organism made of cells that have a nucleus and a cell wall, but cannot make their own food.

  • Bacterium - Organism made of a single cell that does not have a nucleus.

For Task B, students should design their own cell, and optionally could make a model of it. The key task of the activity is to explain which kingdom their cell would be classified into according to the features it has.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these diagrams represents a single cell?
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Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Which of the following do all cells have in common?
Correct answer: cell membrane
cell wall
DNA is stored in the of an animal cell.
Correct Answer: nucleus
Match each cell type with the correct description.
Correct Answer:Bacteria cells,Contain DNA that is loose in the cytoplasm.

Contain DNA that is loose in the cytoplasm.

Correct Answer:Plant cells,Contain chloroplasts.

Contain chloroplasts.

Correct Answer:All cells,Have a cell membrane and cytoplasm.

Have a cell membrane and cytoplasm.

Use the classification key to classify a duckling.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: bird
Which of the following types of cells has a cell wall?
Correct answer: plant cells
animal cells
Correct answer: fungi cells
Correct answer: bacteria cells

6 Questions

Which of these images represents a fungus cell?
cell 1
cell 2
Correct answer: cell 3
cell 4
True or false? Plant cells have a cell wall instead of a cell membrane.
Correct answer: False
Bacterial cells do not have a . Their DNA is found in the cytoplasm.
Correct Answer: nucleus
Which one of these features would be most helpful when classifying an organism as a plant?
whether it is unicellular or multicellular
Correct answer: whether its cells have a large permanent vacuole
Match the feature to the kingdom of organisms it is specific to.
Correct Answer:no nucleus (loose DNA),bacteria


Correct Answer:chloroplasts,plants


Correct Answer:small vacuoles,fungi


Correct Answer:no cell wall,animals


According to the classification key, what are the features of a fungus cell?
An image in a quiz
It can make its own food.
Correct answer: It has a cell wall.
Correct answer: It has a nucleus.
It has a large permanent vacuole.