Year 7

Using vivid imagery to describe dystopian settings

I can use imagery to enhance a dystopian description.

Year 7

Using vivid imagery to describe dystopian settings

I can use imagery to enhance a dystopian description.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Imagery uses words that create a clear image in the reader’s mind.
  2. Similes compare two things using words such as 'like' or 'as'.
  3. Personification gives human characteristics to something that is not human.
  4. A metaphor compares two things, by saying one thing is another.
  5. Language devices should match the tone that you have created.

Common misconception

Pupils might mistake a simile for metaphor and vice versa.

Go through simile and metaphor definitions and examples slowly and explicitly.


  • Imagery - Imagery uses words that create a vivid image in the reader’s mind

  • Simile - Similes compare two things using words such as 'like' or 'as'

  • Metaphor - Metaphors say something is something else, when it is not literally

  • Vivid - A vivid image is clear and powerful and easily visualised

  • Sentinel - a soldier or guard whose job is to keep watch

It is worth taking time to show pupils the impact of a simple simile with little thought vs a carefully crafted simile. You could get pupils to order similes from best to worst.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is an adjective?
an action word
an object, person or thing
Correct answer: a word to describe a noun
What is tone?
the place a piece of writing is set
Correct answer: the feeling a piece of writing provokes
a group of words related in meaning
What does it mean to enhance your work?
to change some things
to correct all spellings
Correct answer: to improve the quality of your work
What does oppressive mean?
gloomy, dark
sad, teary
Correct answer: cruel, harsh
What does bleak mean?
Correct answer: gloomy
Which of the below is a simile?
Correct answer: The propaganda permeated like toxic fog
The propaganda was toxic fog
The propaganda was callous and cruel

6 Questions

What is a simile?
Correct answer: a language device that compares two things using the words like or as
a language device that says something is something else, when it is not
a group of words related in meaning
What is imagery?
Correct answer: a technique that creates a vivid image in the reader's mind
a technique that uses the words like or as to compare two things
a technique that says something is something it is not literally
Which of the below is a metaphor?
Correct answer: The shattered windows were hollow eyes
The streets were like a maze
The citizens shuffled through life like shadows
What is the first step when crafting any language device?
decide the object you want to describe
describe the comparative object
Correct answer: decide the tone
Which simile creates the most oppressive tone?
Correct answer: The propaganda was like a venomous serpent.
The cameras were like watchful birds.
The buildings loomed above like monsters
Which metaphor creates the most bleak tone?
Correct answer: The darkness in her heart was a relentless storm.
His dream was an abandoned boat.
His joy was a rose in his heart.